NOW there are far less box robots produced that I had planned, but a prego girl can only handle so much spray paint!!! So decoration idea number 1 is using old boxes, some paint (whether it be craft, spray, or house) and turn your old cardboard into a bunch of robots. These robots were created with spray paint in the colors of the party and then detailed with craft paint. Add some craft foam for arms and you have an army of robots.
Decoration idea number 2 was to make the house look like a "factory" by putting cogs all over the place. My cogs were cute out of paper plates and craft foam. The plates by far are the cheapest (well if you get them at Walmart) but you can't always find all the right colors, in comes the craft foam. I free handed mine, hence the lack of perfection. Cut out tons of cogs and place them in all the rooms you want to decorate.
So there you have it. Pretty stinking easy and cheap. All it takes is a little time and thinking outside the box.