Yes I realize it appeared that I had dropped of the face of the planet, well never fear, I am still here I was just crazy busy. So here is a kind of mass blog about all of the goings on that have kept me from my faithful blogging. SO forgive the many blog entries within a blog entry, but it is kind of like getting behind in journaling. In fear of getting so far behind and giving up all together you just bullet point the last little bit of your life. So here are my bullet points/photos. Enjoy, and I am sure there will be more soon! LOVE YA ALL!

So yeah, I started a garden! Who knew, the girl who can' t grow anything has decided to be a grown up and grow some veggies. This is the first little garden patch with broccoli, spinach, lettuce, and onions. Hopefully more will follow soon.

The biggest culprit to me not getting my blog done is FAMILY HISTORY. That is right folks, I got the bug. I was in a big hurry to get a lot done because I wanted to take names with me when I went to Vegas for Corey's wedding so that we could so some work as a family. BOY howdy has it been fun/challenging. has become my new friend. PS the above is a picture of my dad.
Natalie came to stay with us before we went to Vegas. I love having her here with me, plus she was a big help on the flight out there, since Spencer had to stay home and work.
That is right, Corey GOT MARRIED in the Las Vegas Temple! This is him and his new wifey Jenessa. It was a pretty cool day. Four down, two more to go....but we got time!
So I just included this one because I love my dad's face. PLUS as you can see my sisters and I wore matching dresses. We said that we were Corey's bridesmaids. AND below is the cutest little ring bearer ever. He got to wear a tux for their ring ceremony. He kept calling it his Texas. So cute
So your blog entry has helped me pretty much determine a couple things... we are pretty much the coolest people I know and most importantly we are so outrageously attractive that I can't even stand it. I love you Riss!
Love, Natters
your sister sounds totally funny. i can't believe i haven't really seen her since she was like 4 or something. i'm totally one of those cray aunts that says stuff like that all of a sudden. where the heck did the time go? anywho, i fell off the planet too there for awhile, it must have been a bug or something. glad to have you back and congrats to corey...holy crap, when did he grow up? yikes
Hi Hi. So, something random. Remember David Ray who worked in the HBLL with us? He is married to one of the former American Idol contestants. I saw him in Us Weekly. RANDOM!!
Those pictures are so cute! I'm really glad that you're alive again. I check your blog religiously and have really missed you. We should talk more! I can't believe my little Corey got married.
Welcome Home! I can't wait to hear more about your trip. . .
hey-so that 13 miles was my half marathon...i'm done. i can't quite believe it actually. it feels really wierd that its over. anyway, great job on the garden. good luck with that.
Cool photos! I love your garden; wish I could learn to grow some veggies myself. ::shed tear:: And, of course, your two boys are still totally adorable. Glad to see you back!
Oh my gosh! I just went to post a comment on Will & Kim's blog and I noticed that "The Zitsmans" had left a message and my mind went back in time to my LAO days! It looks like things are going well for you! Your family is super cute!! :) (This is Michelle Austin by the way...not sure if you remember me :)
Your dad looks so young. I just assumed it was your brother, until I read the info under it. You'll love your garden. It's the perfect size. Did you read about square foot gardening?
Glad you're back.
All I can say is, Its about dang time!
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