Glub, Glub, Glub. Here comes Mr. Fishy. The best kind of fishy to have 'cause you don't have to feed him and he isn't slimy to snuggle with.
Mr. Fishy Tutorial
You will need:
Fishy Pattern
2 colors of felt, 2 sheets of each
navy blue fabric or felt for eye
coordinating embroidery floss
coordinating thread
Cut felt into 1 1/2" strips. You will need 8 of one color and 10 of the other. Cut two circles for eyes.
Pin two different color strips together. Sew along edge with 1/4" seam allowance.
Pin next strip to, making sure to alternate colors. Always pin like sides together. Sew again with 1/4" seam allowance.
It should look like this--
Continue pinning and sewing every strip together until you have sewn TWO separate sheets of 4x5 strips. Looking like this--
Using the Mr. Fishy Pattern, cut out fishy shapes. I pinned the pattern to the two sheets (like sides facing) so that I could line up the stripes. Cute slowly and carefully.
Now you have two fishy shapes.
Face them the opposite direction of each other and "eyeball" where to put the eyes...haha. Pin on and sew.
Choose a side any side...
With coordinating floss color, embroider on you little ones name or nick name.
I choose to sew along the tail...and NO judging the embroidery imperfections!
Pin Mr. Fishy together like sides facing. Sew around the edge with a 1/4" seam allowance, leaving a hole on the bottom to turn out.
Turn out and stuff with your fluff. Make sure he is good and full...this assures that you don't have to feed him. Hand sew the opening closed. PS I really could use some hand sewing lessons...any takers???
Give it a kiss and pass it on with joy and maybe a bib.
Hey all my blogging pals...I am entering this in a REALLY fun contest over at Sew Dang Cute. It is called Crafting with the Stars...haha GENIUS! There is no voting right now...whew! BUT the winners may come dependent on getting the most views on their go VIEW away!

Still so adorable. Thanks for the tutorial!
I love these cute fishies! I am planning to make several magnetic fising games for Christmas and I think I will use this fishy pattern! I will let you know how they turn out. :)
taidye original
So I just wanted to drop a note... :) I have no idea how I found your blog, I was hopping around and lost track of how I got here, but I am SO GLAD I found yours!! I have added a ton to my to-do list. Starting with the Old Mcdonald puppets. I went out today and bought everything:) Okay, thanks for listening to my gushing... and I will be blogstalking you from now on!:)
That is so cute! Thanks so much for the pattern, I'll be linking. Hmm... now I'm thinking cutest ever cat toys. =)
I found your blog tonight and just LOVE it! You'll probably have a million new comments from me tonight. Yes it is 1 A.M. But I just can't stop! Too much good stuff. How cleaver you are to sew strips of felt together. I'm thinking I could make this little fish and stuff a rattle in for a super cute baby shower gift.
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