Oct 28, 2011

Wolverine in Costume Form

We have a set of Supers at our house. Three Little Men all sporting new super powers and quite impressive six packs. Yes we are saving the world in all kinds of ways over here.

Oldest chose to be Wolverine almost a year ago (we won't mention that as I was sewing this costume he declared he wanted to change to Thor...I nicely said "Not a chance Mister!"). When he chose Wolverine he stated in awe that Wolverine was his favorite super hero...I sighed thinking of the new X-men movies and completely agreed that Wolverine was my favorite super hero too...hehehe...


I stressed the most about Oldest's costume, however it turned out great with only one minor sewing crisis concerning the claws...to which after ripping out my hair in attempt I just listened to very wise Hubby and order his claws online. Whew, much better.

Now he is one awesome Wolverine. Man he is not messing around is he!

I dare law-breakers to defy him. I just dare you to mess with him.

Bring it!

Our other Supers are shortly on their way!


Stockhoff Family said...

He looks amazing! I can't believe how talented you are. You need to enter that costume somewhere, seriously!!!

Holly Wilcox said...

WOWZA!!! Your sewing skills are amazing. I love it!!!

Melanie said...

Yeah....that is pretty dang awesome. Way to go lady!

Amanda said...

you're awesome! He is too.


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