Jul 11, 2012

A Pinteresting Wednesday: Giant Paper Airplanes

We are still in kickin'-the-boredom-out-of-the-house mode. We pretty much will be for the rest of the Summer.

Pinterest is a great source of projects to do with your kids. Love, LUHVE it.

My For the Kiddos board is chalk full of stuff to do with my Little Men.

This week I decided to do THIS PIN with the boys.

I went to The Mart and picked up a couple of packages of lightweight poster board. I also go one regular sized poster board. You know the really big ones they sell separately.

I gave each boy a large and small piece. Then I dumped out some crayons and told them to go crazy.

After they were all done coloring, we folded up our pieces of poster board into all different kind of planes. The traditional old-school paper airplane folding was the most popular.

Since the poster board is heavier and stiffer, I taped the nose of the airplane together and also the back of the airplane.

Then we went outside to test out our planes skills.

This was the really big one. Surprisingly, it flew the best.

Middle was a little disappointed that his plane didn't go clear across our giant backyard. I had to explain to him that halfway across the yard was still pretty awesome.

We folded Little's up all fancy. It was kind of a sinker, but he still loved it.

My boys loved all the giant paper airplane making so much that they played with them in the house the rest of the day. They also continued the paper airplane making the next day using regular printer paper. Our house has definitely caught the paper airplane fever.

Love Pinterest and all the great ideas out there.


Niki said...

So much fun and so simple too!

Michelle@ Learning to Be a Mom said...

Cute activity. I am the worst paper airplane folder ever, so maybe this would give me some needed practice.


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