Oct 31, 2008
Hallowen Part 2
Oct 29, 2008
Halloween Part 1
Oct 28, 2008
Not So Shabby Baby Mama

Oct 24, 2008
Crazy Eights
Eight Shows I like to Watch:
The Office
Biggest Loser
So You Think You Can Dance
What Not to Wear
Most anything on Food Network (except Semi Homemade)
Project Runway
Gilmore Girls reruns
Eight Restaurants I like to eat at:
PF Changs
Red Robin
Johnny B's (Sandwich not diner)
Any place that serves GOOD sandwiches
Eight things that I've Done today:
Worked out
Washed Dishes
Cleaned the Playroom (this should count for all 8 since I do it 100x a day)
Changed a diaper
Sewed the rest of boys Halloween Costume
Put Boys down for Nap
Did a Little Happy Dance
Eight Things I am looking forward to:
Halloween and seeing my cute kids all dressed up
Thanksgiving and seeing family
Getting to scrapbook again
Knowing what is going on with Spencer's j0b
Having this baby (did you catch that for those who didn't know???)
Being done with babysitting
A good nights sleep
Eight Things on my wish list:
Healthy Hubby and Kids
Funds to redo house (or hey get a new one)
To see my family
To not balloon up in my pregnancy
Stacy and Clinton to redo my wardrobe
A vaca with my hubby
A giant family trip to Disneyland
A bigger family car
Eight people to tag: (Sorry ahead of time)
Oct 21, 2008
Our Past Week of Autumn
Cole's Class
Cole on the Wagon Ride
Cole GQ'n it
Jack not enjoying the Hay Barn
Happier Now
Friday I had a day off from babysitting, so Spencer decided to take the day off as well so that we could have a family day. We decided to drive a little south to the Hocking Hills area and go hiking. It is a beautiful area, and even more beautiful in the fall. The boys had a great time, and we had a great time watching them enjoy themselves. It was a special treat to get to have a family day in the work week. The boys loved the time with dad. We went on a couple of different hikes. Cole insisted on having a walking stick, even though it was bigger than he was. One of the hikes ends in a big pond area and the boys spent quite a bit of time throwing rocks in. Dad was the main attraction with his ability to skip the rocks. I came in a close second when I was willing to dig up bigger rocks so that they could heave them in. It was a great day.
The Boys
Mom and Cole in a Cave
Jack Resting
Cole Throwing Rock In
Oct 18, 2008
Oct 15, 2008
Prepping for Jack Being 2
Oct 3, 2008
New Family Pictures