Mar 31, 2009
Second day of life
Larissa and Case are both doing great. We have enjoyed some visit, including some time with Jack and Cole. Today Jack and Cole even spent some time holding him -- with help, of course. Jack just kept giving Case kisses over and over again. Case has been doing great. He is eating very well and he has been very calm--something we are sure will not last much once we go home. He has been a bit fussier today since he had his circumcision. It happened right before the boys came to visit. Cole asked why he was crying and so I tries to explain. I told him that when boys are born they get some skin cut off of their penis. He looked at me with wide eyes and said, "What?!" I apologize now to Nana for any nightmares that Cole might have tonight.
Mar 30, 2009
Case Henry Zitzman
So he is finally here. Larissa and Case are doing great. I will try and add a picture later. He was born at 3:28 pm. He was 8 lbs 9 oz and 20 1/2 inches long. Larissa did end up going natural and was a brave little toaster. She is doing great now. We are in our room and waiting for Larissa's mom to bring the brothers to meet him. He has some dark brown hair and looks quite a bit like Jack.
12:30 Update
Baby is here! Well, not ours but a baby is here in the next room over. First baby, lady walked in and baby came right out. Larissa loved hearing that news (the nurse shared this news, not me--I am wiser than that).
She is busy bouncing on the ball to help this little guy drop down. As far as we know she is about a seven. Here is to hoping we are closing in on the end.
She is busy bouncing on the ball to help this little guy drop down. As far as we know she is about a seven. Here is to hoping we are closing in on the end.
10:30 update
So it is moving slowly... At least too slowly for Larissa's liking. She has progressed to a six and is doing great ... But she would like everyone to know that she has to pee.
Hospital updates
The hospital has wireless Internet so I will do my best to post updates throughout the day. Unfortunately this is being done with my iPod/iTouch so I do not have the ability to post pictures. That will have to wait until we get home.
We arrived this morning at 5:50 a.m. and promptly started getting Rissa hooked up. She just started on Pitosin so she is now getting anxious that the pain is about to start. She came in at a 4 and is hopeful that things go fast. We found out on Friday that none of the hospital's anesthesiologists are in network for our insurance so that would significantly increase our fees. We may just have to pay the price in the end but right now Larissa is going to try to go natural. Brave woman!
We arrived this morning at 5:50 a.m. and promptly started getting Rissa hooked up. She just started on Pitosin so she is now getting anxious that the pain is about to start. She came in at a 4 and is hopeful that things go fast. We found out on Friday that none of the hospital's anesthesiologists are in network for our insurance so that would significantly increase our fees. We may just have to pay the price in the end but right now Larissa is going to try to go natural. Brave woman!
Mar 29, 2009
T Minus 7 hours
Sorry about the slow week of posting. Projects pretty much all got done for Case's room AND the cleaning pretty much all got done...but after that all got done there was absolutely no energy to do posting. BUT i figured I would at least post to say we are on the official countdown.
Tomorrow we ck into the hospital at 5:45 in the am and start the inducing process. There might be some special added events with this, nothing traumatic, but definitely new for me. WE will divulge that info when and if it occurs.
SO Case is almost here and we are almost a family of five and excitedly await our new little guy. We will keep ya posted on all the fun.
Tomorrow we ck into the hospital at 5:45 in the am and start the inducing process. There might be some special added events with this, nothing traumatic, but definitely new for me. WE will divulge that info when and if it occurs.
SO Case is almost here and we are almost a family of five and excitedly await our new little guy. We will keep ya posted on all the fun.
Mar 24, 2009
Case's Room 85% Done
painted room three colors...yes insane
painted changing table
new changing pad
made bumpers
added brown border to white bed skirt
Still Needs to Be Done
hang floating shelves
make canvas fabric wall art
paint wall letters
reupholster glider chair
make pillow for chair
paint picture frames
print off pictures
knobs on changing table
The next post was supposed to be this room done in all its glory...well blame the boys getting the flu, then me getting the flu, then me thinking I was in labor...blah blah blah...not done completely or as soon as I had planned. But here is a glimpse any way to make myself feel better about missing my intended deadline.
Art projects and shelving should get done today. Chair hopefully tomorrow.
Special shout out to Kate, Lisa, and Jenny bedding would not have gotten finished without you.
Mar 16, 2009
Boys Room Done
Okay so the boys' room is done. It took me long enough. Here are some pictures of the final out come. I am horrible with before pictures, so sorry there isn't one. I get too impatient and just start the project before I even think about taking a picture.

The boys are doing great sharing a room. I love hearing them talk to each other morning and night. Morning is a little better because at least they have slept...where as at night we get a little annoyed when it rolls around 9:30 and they are still up there chatting it up. Jack has made the transition great. Can't believe how big they are getting.
Hope the pictures do the room justice...I am really proud of it. Let's give a round of applause to Walmart, Target, and Ikea. We couldn't have done it without you!
Main bedding from Walmart (sad to give up Pottery Barn, but it turned out great anyway). Bunk bed from Target...yeah they make bunk beds now!
Post Cards from USPS and Frames from IKEA
How cute are these postcards??
Painted old honey colored dresser red. Tins from dirty flea market in Las Vegas.
Remember the t-shirts? This is what I did with them. This was the cutest.
Mar 8, 2009
4 Weeks to Go!
Let us just give a little yahoo...YAHOO. I am 4 weeks out from my due date...and if all goes like it did with the previous two then I really only have three weeks. THREE WEEKS. Many of you know I have been done for awhile, but with the light at the end of the tunnel maybe there will be less whining from me...okay so probably not.

Decided to take one more pregnancy photo of the 36 week mark. Enjoy, that will be all until after Case is born.
PS. Let me just say that three weeks seems like a long time until I stop and think about all the stuff I have left to get ready. Be patient when stopping by my house while it is a hot mess of projects in different stages.
Mar 6, 2009
Nice Day and Dabbling at Photography
It was a nice day today and so in order to make up for our jammie day yesterday I told the kids we were going to the park. Couldn't decide which one, but finally settled on driving by one that we used to go by a lot that had recently been under construction. Boy was I happy we went there. Locals...VICTORY PARK is new and fabulous. We had a great time. I took the new camera and snapped until my heart's content. I think we got some great photos of the boys.

Mar 5, 2009
Too Much Nesting...Now I Rest
Okay rest kind of. Yesterday I decided that I was fit and able to clear out, tape off, and 2 coat paint the boys room ( Not like anyone cares, the room used to be blue now it is khaki). It was a bright and sunny day so I threw open the window and got started.
What was I thinking?
About halfway through I was dying. I ached all over and I was feeling pretty light-headed (ps Spencer was not here other wise I am sure he would have put his foot down to the whole mess). But what was a girl to do? I didn't want to have to wash the brushes out twice, plus you get so far and you just want to finish.
Needless to say I over did it and am wiped out today. We are officially having a jammie day, there is where the resting is coming in. I just feel that with the birth of Case coming soon I can't rest too much. So on to the next project...but at least with this one I can sit on my bum.
Here is the start of my next project- I know you are all so curious!
Hopefully we will get the boys room done on Saturday...I look forward to seeing the culmination of all of my ideas.
Another side note...I finally posted new recipes on the recipe blogs...I don't really expect anyone to care, but there are some yummy delights there. OH and I can hear you asking yourselves, "If she has all the projects to do, then why the heck is she spending time blogging?" I am resting my friends, resting.
Mar 3, 2009
Party Robot Style...Last One
I know I already posted about the cake and the decor...but here is a photo recap of the actual party. Thanks to all of Cole's little friends. We had a blast! Of course he is already trying to plan next year...and while I did that last year, I have other things to focus on right now.
SO here is a little photo diary of Cole's party. The games we played were robot walk (like musical chairs crossed with a cake walk), decorating robot-shaped cookies, search for missing robot parts (which went into the Robot machine), the kids each became robots, and then robot command (Simon says with a flash light). I will not take credit for coming up with any of these games...thank the Internet!
Cole and his Robot Cake
Playing Robot Walk
Cole's Friend Jacob Eating Robot Cookie
Favorite Picture of Cole
Robot Command
Cole Blowing Out Candles
Mar 2, 2009
Kicks By Natty Liz
So here is a shout out to my sister Natalie. She has been dabbling in the creative and has come up with something fabulous. She is in the process of marketing these way too cute shoes. I am a little incompetent in that area, but hopefully she will be etsy-ing or blogging them out soon. I just thought I would pass on the love and brag about her cute creations.
ps I did this tag for her, and since she isn't commercial YET, I just used the digital paper I have purchased for personal use. Since it is wavering on the marketing side, I will mention it is the Truly Yours kit from Shabby Princess.
Do You Want Fries With That
Space Cadet
A Day at the Park
Since I stole these pics from my family's blog The Stockhoffs they are not as large as I would like, but you can click on them and they should show more detail. Again she is just starting out with these, so any helpful suggestions I will happily pass her way (hint hint VANESSA!).
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