So obviously the cake went well! I am not normally one who is perfectly thrilled with what I accomplish, but I gotta say I was so happy with how this turned out that I giggled with glee every time I saw the thing. THANK YOU, THANK YOU, THANK YOU to my friend Jenny who helped talk me down and for all the star piping. Plus she stayed super late just to revel in the finished project with me. So one more time Thank You Jenny
So we might look a little punch
drunk, it was almost 11:00. But I don't think we could have
been any happier.
Enough cake, on to the PARTY!
Jack's party was this afternoon and we all had a great time. His little friends came over and did a dinosaur hunt with us. They all looked so cute in their little paper bag vests. The dinosaur eggs were a big hit. I think this age for parties is great because you don't have to do a whole lot to entertain. They love to just play. We had a dinosaur lunch, dino chicken nuggets, dinosaur bones (pretzels) and dinosaur eggs (grapes). Lunch was not as big of a hit as playing with all the new eggs and dinosaurs that they found. Then it was the big moment for the cake, there is always a little tear when you have to cute into it, especially when someone asks for a piece of the head (no! not the head!). After even more playing, it was time for presents. Jack got great presents from all his friends and already loves playing with them (as does Cole). Thank you to all our little friends and their moms for coming and playing with us. We had a great time.
Oh I am jealous, I want to come to one of your parties! YOU ARE AMAZING! The cake is incredible!! Your little man is lucky to have you as his mama!
Wow, that was quite a cake! It looks like the party was a great hit.
I'm gonna have to say it're too much Riss! Way to go. Everything looks awesome.
I must say that cake is amazingly, fantastically, rad. Kenzie concurs with me. I'm sorry I did not get to call you back, but alas... when you work the calendar kiosk your life is put on hold! K and I just decided that you will be in charge of making our next cakes. I request a giant apple tree and Kenzie would like a plate full of bacon. Make it work! Love you... I will call you tomorrow.
Love, Nat and Kenzie
Wow Riss, that cake turned out perfect! Its so cute!! I love the look on Jacks face right after blowing out his candle! haha. He cracks me up! I am glad it was a hit. Give hime loves for us!
I'm so glad the parT-A-Y was a big hit! It looked like a lot of fun. I have to say, the cake is even more marvelous than I remembered! Amy said it tasted good too! And please don't thank me...I had a lot of fun doing it and just hanging out with you and your family. Oh, and p.s. thanks for putting the picture of me looking like a tard up for all to see (just tell Spencer no more jokes about Cleve-land)
I love it. Did the cake taste as good as it looked. You guys did a phenomenal job. I am super impressed, as always.
all i can say is "oh my gosh". Holy cake, that is crazy! You guys should start a business.
wow, I am seriously impressed. I had no idea the cake you were going for was one like THAT - wow, pretty amazing. You have encouraged me to try that one day - when I have the money to invest in the supplies, right? :)
the party looked like fun and definitely memorable!!!! :)
two words-wow. trust me, you can totally revel in the awesomeness that the cake and the whole she-bang was. my little cake experiment totally fell apart out of the oven and we had no little friends to put on cute vests and look for pretend eggs. ps, i love that you have one picture of someone else other than your child to show that someone really was there. nice touch.
good work buddy. i'm seriously impressed...along with the 9 other people on this page :)
So you know how I said I did a dinosaur cake for Logan's birthday. Well it was o-k. I was proud, but holy cow! Are you sure you made that! It is so awesome! Way to go, I'd be proud too.
You definitely have reason to relish in your succes. How awesome is that cake?! Good Job! And Happy Birthday Jack!
You have got to be one of the best mom's ever!!! That I think I will NEVER try making my own cake because there is no way it will look that incredibly awesome! You are so creative! What a great party!
WOW!!! Again!!!
YTou are sooo talented!
I'd be honoured to sow all your creations over at Bird Crafts!!
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