Trick or treating was a blast. We went with some friends, which always fuels up the kids. Cole was ready to go from the beginning, Jack was not thrilled to put on his costume for the third time. So we had to let him pretend to drive the car (his big thing lately).

The weather was perfect. All of our kids were so cute. My friends' kids costumes were amazing. One was a
hand sewn Jasmine costume, then we had princess Aurora, and leaving the most amusing for last, we had a baby
Elvis, white bodysuit with gold sequins and everything. She was by far the hit of the neighborhood.

We had a really good time, and we already have the costume idea for next year...good times.
One holiday down, several more to go!
What adorable pictures! I love the baby Elvis! What fun costumes!! Your little tootsies looked awesome~
I'm definitely a big fan. I can't wait to hear about your ideas for next year! Kenzie and I were trying to think of things you could do with three...all we could think of was mario, luigi and either yoshi or peach... that last one is yet to be determined. Oh... I also thought of the three blind mice, but that one is a lot on the lame side... don't judge. Love you lady!
Don't read your post title to Cole, he might tell you to stop singing! And Jack looks so darned cute in his "tunic"...oh, good times! We had such a fun time! Your kiddos are so cute! And already talking about next year's costumes (thanks Blues Clues)? Crazy...oh wait, I too am already doing that and have a new sewing pattern to prove it! That's right, crazy...well, if the shoe fits...
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