Apr 20, 2012

In an Instagram...

Four weeks have gone by in an instant...you know the kind of instant that when you are in it has agonizingly slow periods (aka in the middle of the night whilst feeding a newborn simply wanting to be sleeping instead) but then shockingly everything eventually flies by and 100 instances have come and gone.

I am ashamed to say that the camera hasn't come out that often. Poor Bean.

Getting back to life has filled up every second of every day.

We are starting to settle in. So hopefully soon there will be more than the occasional documentation through Instagram.

But for now...

We will relish making it through another sleepy night...

We will enjoy all the funny moments...many occurring while still in jammies...

And occasionally thanks to sisters and friends, we will all get dressed and get out of the house...

We are going to enjoy every second, because in an instant this time will all be gone.


Elizabeth @Port Of Thoughts said...

Absolutely wonderful! :) My little man is now 2 1/2 weeks old and I understand what you mean. The days FLY by and you find yourself grasping on to every sweet second with the growing/changing little one. Keep soaking it up! :) So Precious.

Amanda said...


Stockhoff Family said...

I am getting soooo excited. Only two more weeks until I see this little guy. Nana can hardly wait.


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