We are back from our excursion to Washington state. I will happily and honestly admit that I did not want to come back. Who would? I got to be in the beautiful NW, plus we stayed in
Richelle's beautiful and spacious house (with bathrooms bigger than a closet), there was actually good food in the fridge, and the boys were insistent that dad take care of them the whole time. Plus I can 't forget to mention that I got to see a lot of good friends and a little sneak visit from Natters, Nanny and George, and my dad! It was a marvelous trip. There were many highlights and way too many pictures to share. The major highlight was a trip to
Longbeach, WA. We spent a couple of days hanging at the beach.
Richelle's aunt and uncle have a beach house so we stayed there. We got there to a stinky fridge full of rotten food because the fridge itself had been
unplugged. I will admit that I did nothing to help with that. It was really gross. Thanks Spencer and

The beach itself was really fun, especially because August was Kite Festival Month. There were tons of really cool kites. The boys were really impressed. Both Cole and Jack were brave enough to keep their tootsies in the cold NW ocean. By the second day, Jack even got adventurous enough to play in the sand. He may have had sand
embedded in his scalp for a couple of days (who is proud of me for letting that happen???). The second day our friends Andy and Elyn came up with their kids and we spent the day walking around Long Beach. The kids rode the go carts with the dads, and then the dads raced
Richelle and Siobhan on the big, fast track. I will happily brag that Spencer kicked
everyone's trash, video games apparently pay off.
We ended that day with yummy ice cream cones at Scoopers ( I guess it is famous there) and then went back to the house for some chili before heading home that night.
While that was the highlight, the whole trip was wonderful. Richelle and Siobhan took such good care of us, it amazes me how many great people are in my life. They opened their home not only to us, but to all the great people who wanted to spend more time with us while we were there. We were there on our anniversary and they gladly took our kids for the whole evening.

On that side note, let me just insert a little emotional insight about my marital bliss of seven years. It is hard to believe it has been, and yet has only been seven years. Time really does fly when you are having fun! I feel very lucky and blessed to be in this relationship. We are so compatible in the ways we are a like and in the ways that we are not. I love that Spencer will still let me cuddle right up to him in church (with the kids crawling all over the place). We take care of
each other equally, if not differently. I love him and appreciate all he does, and I know he feels the same. So yeah for a great seven years, and a double hooray for an eternity more!
Just to brag about my awesome husband a little more, he said to not worry about presents this year because of the budget, we both agreed that dinner out would be enough...BUT little did I know he had already gotten my present and figured that was big enough for both of us. So on our anniversary I opened up a card that said "guess what your present is?" After pretending to be indignant because I didn't get him one, I started guessing. That led to a little game of hangman, which led to me writing out the letters SYTYCD! That's right my hubby got me So You Think You Can Dance tickets. So he got me a great present AND he showed how selfless he is because I know that is not is favorite venue.
Okay back to our trip, don't worry I am almost done...JUST ONE LAST THANK YOU. Richelle and Siobhan (who gave the whole family haircuts, I might look amazing) we love you. We are so grateful for both of you and how much you love us. We miss you daily. Thanks for the good times.
I love it! Cute pictures! Although you and Spencer should probably stop making out on the beach in front of people with cameras :) HeeHee.
We are glad you guys had such a great time in Washington! And on your anniversary...ps. I am totally jealous of your gift. Seriously, props to Spencer!
Ummm... why didn't you call me pronto with the news of the glorious SYTYCD tickets? I must say... props to Spence. I loved you guys and was just so delighted to see you.
The Z's are the bomb, and of courses so is Richelly. I'm glad I had a moment to see you all, and thanks for letting me be your dad!
Holy cow! I haven't talked to you in forever!!! Your family is adorable! I too have been married for almost 7 years....crazy...can't remember not being married...but can't believe its been that long too! So we are about 3 hrs from you...in Ann Arbor, MI. My husband is going to law school. You know how fun that is since your hubby has a doctorate :) You have handsome boys too! We've got Elle who is a super busy body, and a little boy on the way...due 1 day before Gregor's! Can't believe he's all married and is having a baby too! We'll have to keep in touch!!!
Sounds like you guys had a flippen' good time. Good! That is what vacations are for.
I, for one, am VERY proud of you for letting your boys be boys. It has taken me a while but I, too, have dabbled in that a bit.
Did you say Andy and Elyn have kids? As in plural? Wow....how old are they?
Have fun at SYTYCD! What a fun present!
ooooohhhh I hate you I want to go to SYTYCD SOOOOO bad!! But alas I would have to drive to phoenix and then pay for tickets too. And since we are spending half our income on a mortgage I think that a dance show is not possible. Sniff sniff. Give Will some love when you see him on stage, he should have won the whole thing.
It sounds like a great trip! Are you so jealous of me now because I get to LIVE in the beautiful NW? I know, everyone should be jealous of us Northwesterners. I wish I would have known were up here! We could have had lunch at the park or something and let the kids run around. Maybe next time.
I am a little jealous. It looks like you had so much fun. I'm surpised like Melanie. I didn't know Andy and Elyn had more than one. How exciting! And congrats on your anniversary! 7 years. Wow. I can't believe it will be 10 for me next year. You guys are such a cute couple. I love that you would make out in front of the camera. Jer hasn't done that with me since our wedding day! (At least he does behing closed doors right!?)
wow, what a post! so glad i was part of it...in the paragraph about "richelle opening her house to people who wanted to see you.." that was me. anyway, so good to see you and your awesome hair and your cute boys and, of course, goo. wow, you didn't tell me about seeing will and joshua in person. i also think will should have won, but alas, at least you'll see him face to face. tell me all about it! and for goodness sake, come back again...spokane anyone?
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