Thankfully this little man was very photogenic and cooperative and flashed the doctor like four times, so there was no mistaking he was a boy.
It has been a very good day, and I feel very blessed to being adding to our family. I am excited to be the mom of boys...handsome boys at that. Our wee one is "kicking" his agreement that I am lucky at this very moment.
Thank you for all of your excitement, and really besides missing out on buying a mass amount of girls clothes, I could not be happier!
Here is our first traditional "we just found out what we are having" purchase.
Yay for boys! I couldn't be happier to be getting another nephew... the first two are so amazing, so I know this little nudger won't be any different. I am pretty sure you will have the most handsome boys on the planet.
<3 Nat
Yay for you! Having all the same is really fun! I swear if I had a boy I wouldn't be able to say 'come on girlies' or that sort of thing that is always better than the same old generic....'come on guys' Well who else better that you to have all boys! You make some super cute ones that's for sure!
i must admit i'm jelous. i've actually always wanted all boys, but what do you do? did you get my text message? i'm not sure if i sent it to spencer's cell phone or not. i've been known to do that in the past...anyway, congrats!! he couldn't be luckier to have you two as parents. good luck!!
YEAHHHHHHHH! Oh congratulations my friend! What super exciting news! You make absolutely PERFECT little boys, so Hooray for another darling one!~ I am so happy for you, and am glad that all is looking really well!
Yay! Way to go Lariss. You sure are good at making those boys. And somehow you even manage to make a dang cute blog at the same time. You're great.
Exciting!! Growing up, I was convinced that I would be a mom of a bunch of boys- and thought that would be the best. Of course, that's not the way it happened. I can't wait to see what another Z boy looks like! Yes, you do have handsome boys!
oh how fun!!! three little boys I can't believe it! What a lucky little one to have two older brothers and parents who will love him so much. any names yet? :)
Woohoo for boys! I always thought I would want a girl someday, but seeing your family of cute boys makes me think all boys would be fabulous too. :) Congrats on the exciting news! Can't wait to see the little guy!
I know all about the three boy things. It is so CRAZY at times but I love being the mother of BOYS! I do hope for a girl some day, though.
Congrats on boy #3
Congratulations! Hope the new boy gets the curls!
I love the blue! Another boy, huh! What will this one look like? How fun. I did call Logan a girl by accident this morning. I said "Come on girls" Oops. Poor kid. I am glad I have one of each, I always thought I'd be the one with all the boys. Ahhh teenage girls, look out.
YEAH!!! That is so great! Now that we have a boy in the house, i wouldn't mind having three of 'em! I love my girls though too!
Congrats! How are you feeling?
And you look GREAT, by the way!
Congrats! I love baby boys!
Congrats! Its so funny that some get all the same gender. At least I know there will be plenty of cute boys out there for my girls later on......
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