So first off thanks to my friend April's blog so that I could use this picture. I was being technically unsavy and I could not download any other picture. Second off, yes I have seen "the" movie!
I was lucky enough to go with a great group of women. We grabbed a bit to eat and then snuggled down excitedly in our chairs for the show we have been counting down forever. I will be honest in that I did not have high hopes for the movie. The trailers left something to be desired for me where Edward was concerned. FORTUNATELY, I was very pleasantly surprised. Setting aside some cheesy moments, a room full of teenage girls gasping and giggling, and two moments of creepy eyes by Edward, I REALLY enjoyed the movie.
I won't comment too much on the movie, because well that is just rude to those who haven't seen it yet...NATALIE and K (hah-hah). However, I will say that I would watch it again, and I could be accused of getting a little twitter-patted in the movie. SO, while nothing truly compares to the book, the movie was a really enjoyable "real-life" version.
Just in closing, I have to thank Amy for ending my night on a high note by making four of us rock simultaneously in her car in order to get it started. True friendship is when your friend asks you to rock back and forth in her car without explanation, you automatically do it without even thinking about how idiotic you might look! Good Times!
oh man, i was totally going to try and be the first reviewer of the flick. i was pleasantly surprised as well i must say. bella was the tough selling point for me though. she kinda drove me crazy. glad you had so much fun. here's to tricky cars!
Hooray for twilight!! My two friends who saw it before me HATED it, and I was all scared, but I saw it today and I loved it!! I thought it was so good and followed the book really well. And the actors for bella and edward are really good fitting I think.
Well I have to agree on most points...I thought the moive was entertaining, I was pleasently surprised by Edward and I would totally see it again. However I wish they wouldn't have skipped around the book so much and...the cheesy moments did make me a little embarassed. haha.
can't wait to see it this week! I'm glad it was good...I was afraid by the previews too
You wrote my thoughts exactly (teenage girls and everything) I am glad I saw it.
Oh, how I wish I could have been there to see that one! Then again, if I'd been there, I would just have used my super-strengh arms to push the car and it would have started immediately...wait, sorry...I guess flinging your R.S. flab arms doesn't equal "super-strength" per say! Oh what a hoot! And I have to agree, I did get a little twitter-painted a few times in the movie...like a teenage girl wearing a shirt that says I *heart* Edward!
Amen, sister! I am so in love with Edward! LOL! I have seen it twice now and am heading back tomorrow! Hee hee, pathetic I know. In fact I am seriously considering moving to Forks! LOL! I am so glad that you had so much fun! How are you feeling?
Did you hear, they are going to make New Moon into a movie now. I am not sure if they can do it justice. But like you I want into it prepared to be disappointed and was surprising le surprised that I liked it. But, the book is always better.
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