Dec 11, 2009

Breakfast of Champions...Pattern to Come meal down. When I finished this I may have actually giggled and clapped in glee. My favorite part might be the little pat of butter and syrup on the pancakes. I had a lot of fun creating this little meal for my little men. I know they are going to love it.

I can see it now...both of them cooking away in their play kitchen (handmade Christmas project numero uno) "frying" up some bacon and "flipping" up a couple of pancakes.

I have drawn up a pattern for this breakfast of champions. I even got close to being able to put it up on the blog (scanned/edited)...but I am figuring out the technical difficulties of doing so with out a pdf program. Any of you smarty pants out there feel free to shoot me an email telling me how to do it. I hope to have that up by Sunday.

Since a proper breakfast can't always be made...okay in our house never made, I also had to provide my boys with a quick breakfast of strawberry pop tarts.



V and Co. said...

oh how cute!!!!!! very very cute! i don't think there's any falling going to happen! ;)

Natalie said...

heart, heart, heart it! They look fantastic, Rissy. I'm tempted to ask for some for my birthday... a giant apple, a squash... we'll work out the details.

tara said...

i'm with nat, but i'll take a steak and a giant creme brulee please :) love the strawberry bling. aah, do i love thee

Stockhoff Family said...

Once again, I am amazed at what you do and create. I am thinking that what you need is pizza. Love you dollface


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