Jun 14, 2010

Back in the Swing of Things...

Sorta. Girls' camp was great. I had very little sleep. I was all kinds of attractive when I got home. My kids actually did great without me, Wee One even enjoyed my time gone...so much for my Momma's Boy. 

I was all ready to jump right into things when I got back, but two things have gotten in the way. One-my body is on strike. I am not sure if it is all the late nights, the lack of cleanliness, or the emotional drama that just happens when you get 100 girls together, but my body and mind are definitely not cooperating.  

Which leads me to number 2-my body would probably really like a nap or have a full nights sleep HOWEVER...see that adorable Little Man above, well I got home to him feeling crummy. He has been up for 3 nights in a row (me only experiencing 2 of them) screaming and crying. We can't keep his fever down. He is miserable and all he wants to do is be held. So today we go to the drs. Today I will not be posting the rest of this tutorial. Today I hope that my Oldest Little Men will watch some TV and play outside while I hold the Wee One and we nap together. So that tomorrow, we can really get back in the swing of things.


Cinderella, the A-Train and Our Little Caboose said...

Hope you both feel better. Noah has been a little under the weather too. It's no fun!

Keri said...

I see we are in the same boat this week. My little peanut came home from nursery with a 103.5 fever. no warning. very odd. This kid is constantly sick. we are off to the docs today as well. hope you guys feel better soon. glad you had fun at girls camp.

Natalie said...

I love you lady... I can't wait to hear about the gloriousness (uhh...word?) of girls camp.
p.s. I love how Case is almost never wearing pants. It is my favorite thing about him...well all of him is my favorite :)


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