I am so happy to that this cute lady
from this really ah-mazing blog...

is hosting a giveaway from her equally cute and ah-mazing etsy shop
She has tons of great things, my favorite are all her pendants.
Here are some of my favorite ones--
What stylish Momma wouldn't want this one??
Okay...this one is just abut the cutest thing ever and I pretty much love the little camper van.
Today she is hosting a giveaway and you know what...
She is giving away TWO of her pendants...YOUR CHOICE.
So the good news is you can keep one for yourself and give one away for a gift...PERFECT.
So here's how you can win these lovelies--
First entry
Go to her esty shop and look over all of her other beautiful pendants. Leave a comment and tell me which two you would pick.
Additional entries
Here are some of my favorite ones--
What stylish Momma wouldn't want this one??
As a Momma of Little Men, I would love one of these!
The foodie or cook in your life really wants one of these.
Today she is hosting a giveaway and you know what...
She is giving away TWO of her pendants...YOUR CHOICE.
So the good news is you can keep one for yourself and give one away for a gift...PERFECT.
So here's how you can win these lovelies--
First entry
Go to her esty shop and look over all of her other beautiful pendants. Leave a comment and tell me which two you would pick.
Additional entries
pass the word about the giveaway via blog/tweet/fb
become a follower of Just Another Day in Paradise, or let me know you already are
go visit Christies blog A Lemon Squeezy Home and become a follower over there, or let me know you already are
GIVEAWAY starts now!
It goes until July 16th at 11:59 pm est.
Go say hi to Christie and make sure to enter her great giveaway.
Hi there! What cute pendents. I love the black flower on green and the vase o' flowers. So cute!!
~jan @thepaisleycupcake.blogspot.com
I would pick the Little Boy on See-Saw Glass Tile Pendant and the Vintage Glass Tile Pendant!
mrunamistry at gmail dot com
I already follow just another day in paradise!
mrunamistry at gmail dot com
Already follow a lemon squeezy home!
mrunamistry at gmail dot com
I love the little red rooster pendant.
I'm a follower of your blog.
I'd pick the red flower pendant or the and the orange glass tile pendant, so cute!!
I follow your blog!
Super Cute Shop!
My two favorite pendants were the girl holding bear and the Pear glass.
I follow Just Another Day in Paradise!
I would get the Kitchen Utensils and the Pear pendents. Love these!
Love the camper van one!
I am a follower too!
I like the see-saw one and the little boy on the see-saw. Too cute!
Already one of your followers!
Just became a follower of A Lemony Squeezy Home...
I love the toothpaste pendant, and also the camper. So fun!
I am a follower of Just Another Day in Paradise. LOVE your blog!
Just became a follower of A Lemony Squeezy Home...
Cute pendants! I love the tile pattern and black flower on green!
I already follow Just Another Day in Paradise
And I already follow A Lemon Squeezy Home! Thanks for the giveaway!
My Favorite one is the vintage Glass tile one. So cute!
I am already a follower of Lemon Squeezy Home.
I am a follower of Just Another Day in Paradise. Cute Blog!
I love the vase o' flowers and the orange glass, so cute!
-Erin @ live2craft.blogspot.com
This is a problem. I love the camper, and I love the tile pattern. (BUT I also love the pears and the fruit tile with the pears, and my favorite color is orange, and I love the pink houndstooth, too)....
:) Laura
I already follow the lovely Lemon Squeezy Home.
:) Laura
I am a happy new follower to Just Another Day in Paradise.
:) Laura
I would choose the orange one and the kitchen utensils.
hollynoelle at domesticdork dot com
I love the blue and tan leaf and the funky orange pendant! I would absolutely love to have one of those lovely pendants hanging on my neck! what a wonderful and cute product! I would be enthused to win one and even if i didn't win one i would most defiantly buy some for me or gifts! (if i could part with them)
I love the Orange Centered Flower & the Little Girl.
I'm a follower of your blog!
I now follow her blog!
Red Flower & Kitchen Utensils Pendents!
I would love the vintage glass tile, the vase o flowers, and the red flower...I know that's three but I had such a hard time narrowing it down to just those! They are so cute.
I follow you in google reader!
bland_brittany at yahoo dot com
I follow Lemon Squeezy Home in google reader!
bland_brittany at yahoo dot com
What a cute shop! I would love to win one of these pendants...especially the vintage tile, the turquoise one...so CUTE!
I am a follower and admirer of your blog!
Thanks to you (!) I just became a follower of the LemonSqueezy blog, Thank you!
I like the vintage glass tile and the Little Girl Holding Bear Glass Tile Pendant.
Follow Just Another Day in Paradise
Already follow A Lemon Squeezy Home
Still followin' ya....of course!
I love the "vase o Flowers" and I think I would have to get the toothpaste one for my friend who is a dentist's wife and also works in their office.
I just signed up to follow Lemon Squeezy Home! Cute!
1. Without a doubt I'd get the kitchen utensils and camper pendants.
2. I follow both blogs on bloglovin'! (So it doesn't look like I follow you from blogger, but really, I do follow you!)
i love the Kitchen Utensils and Piggie pendants.
thanks for hosting the giveaway.
i tweeted about the giveaway http://twitter.com/syytta/status/18388238767
i'm a follower.
i follow a lemon squeezy home.
I like the cute birds and the tile pattern glass pendants.
I love the black flower on green and the rooster pendents. Super cute!
I follow another day in paradise!
macymae72 at gmail dot com
I'm a follower of a Lemon Squeezy Home!
I love the "vase of flowers" and the "red flower".
I am a follower of "lemon squeezy home".
I am a follower of "just another day in paradise". I love the name of your blog, by the way. I say this alot.
I would pick the Grey and black leaves and the Vintage glass one! they are so pretty!
beachcovejewelry at gmail dot com
I'm a follower of A Lemon Squeezy Home !
I follow just another day in paradise
I like the tile pattern and the cute birds best
Renae Flores at yahoo dot com
i follow your blog
I now follow lemon squeezy
I love the pendants! My favorites are the orange centered flower and the two cute birds!
I'm already a Lemon Squeezy follower!
I love the Red Flower pendant. They are all so cute! Thanks for the great giveaway!
I follow a lemon squeezy home. thanks!
Great blog! I now follow you. Thanks!
I would choose the orange glass and tile pattern pendants -- and give one to my sister! Awesome!
I am a follower!
I agree with Prenda, Red Flower & Kitchen Utensils Pendents!
I like the tweety birds and the little girl holding the doll. Too cute!
I like Cute Birds and Black and Grey Leaves.
I follow your blog
I'd choose the black flower on green, and the orange centered flower. Thanks for the chance! tammieschafferATyahooDOTcom
I'm a new follower!
I love the vase o flowers...adorable.
I now follow...I'm glad to have found this blog from Cheryl.
I just joined to follow, so add me in, please!
I would have to say, either the birds or the red flower- love them!
the cute birds pennant! love it!
i love the vintage tile,and the red flower tile
I follow lemon squeezy already!
I love the Tile Pattern Glass Tile Pendant!
I follow your blog
I would choose the Pear pendant and the Vintage Glass one!
northssclub at yahoo dot com
I'm a follower of Just Another Day in Paradise!
northssclub at yahoo dot com
I also became a follower of A Lemon Squeezy Home!
northssclub at yahoo dot com
I follow a lemon squeezy home.
I love the cute birds and fruit glass pendants! I'm also new to your blog and think it's lovely!
Little Boy & Funky Orange are my faves!
Thanks for the opprotunity!
Follow Just Another Day In Paradise!
Already follow Lemon Squeezy Blog!
My husband is in dental school so the toothpaste one would be really fun! I also love the orange glass tile, so cute!
Very cute pendants. Love the Kitchen Utensils and the Red Rooster!
jayayceeblog at gmail dot com
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