Dec 7, 2012

8 Months (and 7 months)

Awww 2 months can go by so swiftly. Swiftly enough that before you know it is no longer your child's seventh month, but in fact his eighth...okay in fact half-way to his ninth.


I had such high hopes of staying on top of these monthly updates. I guess I can count it as some kind of victory that I only have missed one ( far).

Bean is just delightful. His adorableness and sweetness far outweigh the few things (mostly those which get in the way of me sleeping) that get in the way of him being the most perfect baby ever.

I tend to think that I have pretty cute kids (I mean what mother is not going to think that). I will be honest with ya, I think he is my prettiest baby. His sweet little head and those pretty phenomenal blue eyes tend to melt our hearts.

He is starting to express more and more of his own little personality. He already holds his own with his older brothers. He goes from one spot in the room to another clear across the same room within no time. I have to work a lot harder to keep him off the kitchen floor.

Or I guess I could work harder at mopping the floor and not stressing about the baby touching the filth and foul...

He is a floor ninja.

He is tallish and skinny.

He puts up with being squeezed, kissed, patted, sat-on (that one thanks to Little), tickled, zerberted (yeah I think I just made that word up).

He, as I alluded to earlier, still does not sleep through the night. We don't have to feed him until early morning, but alas he still gets up 1-2 times before that. Sometimes a simple binkie pop in will fix it. Other times I am falling asleep while rocking him to a calm enough state to put down. This Momma could use a solid 8 hours.

The biggest road block to him sleeping through the night...

He, two times out of three, has leaked through his diaper. UGGGGGHHH!

We have tried several brands of diapers but nothing works 100% yet.

So for now I will just try to cherish my middle of the night cuddle time.

I do enjoy a good Bean cuddle.

We can't believe he is 8 months. He is just starting to enter the really fun exploring stage. We are excited to watch him process the world around him.


Melia said...

He is a cutie! I saw that you have tried different brands of diapers, but have you tried a bigger size for nighttime? That worked for my boys. I hear ya on the no sleep thing. My baby is a year and I am still getting up with him. Good thing they are so cute.

M. Jorgensen said...

Our babies are getting so big, so fast!

The Gilbert Family said...

Leaking is exactly why I am a Pampers girl, have always been a Pampers girl and will forever be a Pampers girl. I know they are expensive but I can go hours without changing a diaper and it doesn't leak! In my opinion they are totally worth the money. On average I only changed a diaper, (when they got older and didn't poop as often)3 or 4 times a day so a package of diapers would last forever...just saying maybe you should give them a try. Here is hoping that for Christmas you get a full 8 hours of sleep from him. Love ya!

cacobb said...

I have the same issue with my son. I use a size up over night diaper with a diaper doubler. I found them at babies r us, 30 count for under $6.

Ashley said...

how stinkin cute he is!!

Larissa@Just Another Day in Paradise said...

Ladies! Thanks for all the advice. I have done a larger size and that helped a little. I have tried all name brand diapers...I am now on trying name brand over nights, but again only kind of working...

The inserts sound like I may have to go that route asap!

Melanie said...

He really REALLY is dang adorable. :) His eyes are just beautiful.

Stockhoff Family said...

He is very cute, and I am truly partial to those baby blues! I miss seeing him so much. Give him loves from Nana and Gramps!


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