I made this "We aPIEciate You" tag in PicMonkey for our teachers. I specified it for them and the fact that the PTO was giving it to them. I have now made a few more generic options for those not thanking from a PTO and for those not thanking teachers specifically. There is a single option of each tag (which you can right click and save to your computer), a sheet of the teacher tags (not from PTO), and a blank one with instructions on how to personalize it.
I tied each tag to a mini mason jar pie. These were pumpkin pecan made from THIS recipe. I quadrupled the recipe for the filling for 32 jars and tripled the topping. You could also attach a big ol' pie if it was for one person. You could buy those mini wrapped pies instead of making jar pies. Possibilities are endless.
Teacher/PTO one.
Sheet of Teacher/PTO tags.
Teacher/no PTO.
Teacher/no from printable.
Thank You Blank.
Okay so for the blank one. Here is how you personalize it.
After you have downloaded the image onto your computer, go to PicMonkey. Under the edit, choose the computer icon. Then select the saved image.
It should look like this.
The font you need is Chunk Five. Add Text.
Make the word of the person you are thanking fit. Also make sure your caps are on. Add spaces or increase the text size to fit the space.
Change the color to 8e0500 in the text edit box.
If you want to add a from, then type the text you want and adjust color and size.
Hope that make sense and that this makes thanking a teacher for Thansgiving easy peasy!
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