Sweet Apple Joy! The apple orchard we like is back in full swing. Last year there was an early frost that ruined like 90% of their crop, so apple pickings were slim. I am happy to say this year everything has been set right. We went a little earlier than normal in the season because of the legendary
honeycrsip apples. We had heard rumors that they were the sweet nectar of life. Friend after friend claimed that you hadn't had an apple until you had had a
honeycrisp. So with much anticipation, we marked on our calendar to go up the first weekend you could pick them. Was all the
hype true, you ask? YES! They were so good! We went with a group of friends and just picked our hearts out. Our bags were literally brimming and busting. 40 lbs of apples later we feel we are ready to bunker down for the winter. Yes, that is a lot of apples, but if you didn't know this (I didn't the first year), freshly picked apples can last for months and months and months in the right conditions. Here is a little "did you know" fact...Did you know that the apples we buy in the store were picked anywhere from 9 months to a year ago? Yeah I was pretty shocked. So note to self, pick when you can!
The only downside to the whole event was that in true Ohio fashion the weather was miserable. It was so hot and muggy. My poor boys were dripping from the scalp. They had fun at first as they helped pick and devour, but too quickly they just pooped out. I had intended to get quite a few more pictures (I even tried to coordinate the family in a nice fallish brown), but Cole is at the age where he turns his back on you every time a camera comes out, and Jack was too tired by the end. We still got a couple of good ones. As I tried to get one last family picture, Spencer nicely reminded me that pictures weren't the priority...aren't they always! So family and friends find your local apple orchard and pick away, and if you don't have one, you know who to visit in the fall.
The boys picking and eating apples.
Cole giving me the stink-eye for taking his picture.

Jack all done with apple picking.
Very cute. I like that picture of Jack. Happy apple eating! If you hear of any good recipes involving apples let me know.
Yum. I do love fresh apples off the tree. They have such a spectacular taste compared to the ones that have been sitting in a vacuum vault.
I did notice the matchy, matchy outfits. Good Job.
Oh, by the way, I have an entire apple recipe book. If you need any recipes, let me know.
The closest i get to an orchard here in yuma az is walmart.:) I wish they had one, it looks so fun. P.s, i really like your hair!
Love your hair Riss, looks like you guys had a good time!
Well hello my friend! This is April Brugger! Elyn is here visiting with us in Idaho and she helped me track you down! It is so fun to see your handsome boys and your dang cute blog!!!! Now I can check up and you and see all the fun things that you are doing! I hope that you are well, you are as beautiful as ever! Come check out our blog at www.thebruggerbunch.blogspot.com
FUN! I love doing things like that, those are the memories that stick-I think! BY the way that is one cute picture of your fam! Miss you
How fun is that? I should go with my girls some time. Where did you guys end up going? You'll have to let me know what "conditions" the apples need to be in to stay good for a long time!
that picture of cole is pretty awesome. i can just hear, "what you talkin about, mom." sweet. thanks again for the birthday message. you were the only one who actually called besides the fam. way to go! you win the coolest friend prize. thanks buddy. good luck with everything. ps way to go with the coordinating. only you, my friend. well, and maybe me of course :)
Hey there family... love the update and I can totally relate about the humidity. It's been pretty sticky in Charlotte too, but we finally got a really nice cool day awhhhh!. Great family picture and you really need to share your blogging expertise.. I just love all the backgrounds you have... Love you guys Aunt Heidi
I love your hair! I haven't seen you forever, so I don't know how long it has looked like that, but it is super cute! You also have a dang cute family! :)
I love that Spencer reminded you that pictures weren't the priority...haha I can see Jeff telling me that
What a fun family outing! We never did make it berry picking this year, but maybe we'll try for apples now! BTW, I too love your hair!
Just wanted to let you know that last comment was from us (Dave has his own account and was logged in). :)
Jealous much? Gosh... how I wish I was there. No one can pound down an apple like good ol' Aunt Natalie. Core and all. I miss you guys.
Love, Nat
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