We learned about where we live. We learned our addresses, we talked about our houses and who lives in them, and what we do in different rooms (no worries my son is the only one who drew himself going potty in the bathroom, everyone else did brushing teeth, taking bath...), and our favorite rooms.

Where I live Booklet, digital Scrapbooking is a lifesaver
We also talked about the letter A and painted with apples. Here are a couple extra pictures of movement time when they danced and then froze to music. Plus there is one of Cole diligently writing during writing time.
Tomorrow we are going to learn about Ohio. I pretty much had to look up everything being a newbie to the state and all. This co-op is a great alternative, but boy howdy I am glad that I am only teaching every 6 weeks!
So fun! Looks like you did a wonderful job- and they are a great group of kids.
Wow. Good luck with that. How do you find the time to do all of these things. Good for you!
How fun! Sounds like you are teaching them all some great stuff! Way to go, Supermom!
Rissy, you are quite the mom and our little over-achiever!! We love you and are so very, very proud of you for being a good example to your younger sibs, and to us for that matter. Just pace yourself sister!
You did such a good job for this first week of preschool. However, I feel as if you may have set the bar a little too high for the rest of us! :) Kids will be coming to my house and I will be like, "Okay, for our lesson we are going to watch Blues Clues then our craft will be coloring on this blank piece of paper"....kidding, only kidding.....somewhat :)
That is so cool that you are doing a preschool. I did that last year, except there were 11 kids and a few of them were barely 3. I only taught once every 9 weeks, but I would definatly recommend spliting the younger and older kids up. Your group looks like they will be fun! Good luck!
Oh my holy hannah... you're pretty impressive I must say. Cole is looking quite studious and I have a feeling we have a genius on our hands. I love you Riss.
I did that same thing, except your lessons sound way better than my retarded ones.
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