During the last month or so, I have had a hankerin' to do tons of "redecorating" around the house. Since there is a lack of funds to really do an HGTV type makeover, I have had to do with my sub par crafting skills and the help of Walmart, Jo Ann's, and some spray paint to accomplish some little face lift stuff for the house.

Personally, I don't think that my cheap makeover alternatives turned out too bad. Of course there are quite a few things left to do.
Here is what I did:
Slip covered sofa (ok that has been done awhile)
Paper crafted pictures for bathroom
Made throw pillows
Spray-painted plates for kitchen
Made curtain for kitchen window
and the finale...the picture wall!!!
What I still want to do (before baby born):
Paint baskets black for storage of all the toys
Make white slip cover for old blue chair
Redo boys room with Marvel superhero theme
Paint baby room
Paint boys dresser
Paint crib and changing table
Make upholstered head board for our bed
I can get all that done, right??? Probably not, but I will attempt. One major glitch is that most of the stuff I have to paint requires primer first and that is a big no-no when you are preggers. So I will have to enlist the help of a certain hunky hubby (hope you are reading this wink...wink)
So cute Larissa!!! For some reason our bodies can do some major decorating at the end of our pregnancies- as long as we aren't in to much pain. So, maybe you will get it all done! I really love everything you did. Did you buy a slipcover for the couch or make it? If so, how do you make it or where did you buy it? I need to cover some couches this summer too.
The picture wall came together just great...did spencer use his sweet leveler? haha YOu can come be domestic at my house if you want??
Cute. Way to go with the craftyness and all.
Some people get tired when they are pregnant. I get motivated.
If you are anything like me....the list will be done.
Good Luck
Oh sigh... here I am clumsily(umm... I don't think I spelled that right) trying to sew an apron and you are busting out pillows and curtains. You are pretty crafty sister o' mine. I love you!
P.S. your blog=friggen cute
wow...here you are again showin us all up. i'm so impressed i must say. the picture wall and the "original bathroom decor" are awesome. um...so are you. well done buddy. keep up the good work!
Wow! Your already-done-list is inspiring! I wish mine looked like that. :-) We're in the middle of refacing our kitchen cabinets (ourselves) and painting them all. It's a pretty big project and my house is a construction zone right now, but I keep telling myself it will all be worth it.
Super cute! That is what happens when you are preggers. Good luck trying to get the rest of list done. :) Feel free to call for help.
You are so amzingly awesome! I'm trying to get crafty at this point but I'm doing little things like magnet job charts-----There's no way I could bust out tons of beauti-mus stuff like that... Love the picture wall-fantastic!
Oh my heavens! You are like the Home Decor McGuyver! LOL! I love all the new things that you have done to your home, and all the cool colors! Don't you love this part of the pregnancy where you feel like if you don't get everything done, you just can't have that baby! Oh my heavens, I almost re-did my entire home every time I was pregnant! You did it with such style my friend!
Way cute, I love making little things for the house. I love those wall pictures you made!! You know what I love for picture walls is putting a sticker above the picture frame wall at the top and have it say something about family. Like on my wall I have stickers that say "...and this is my joy" and then I h ave frames underneath it. You are so domestic!
My darling over-achiever it all looks so good. Love you Mom
Larissa, You did such a great job!. I might copy your picture wall. Lately I have felt such a drive to get stuff done like that in my home to and as I get towards the end of the pregnancy the drive gets worse and I have to get everything done! At least it feels so much better when you are done and you can relax when you have the baby. Way to go! I wish I could come see your whole house.
look at your house!!!! i love it! btw i feel like puking that's how excited i am. i've been meaning to get over here to your blog but life...you know...anyways you are now on my google reader so i can catch up more often! ;)
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