Apr 28, 2010

Flower Button Earring How-to

A love-erly Mother's Day present for any love-erly Mother you know...including yourself.

I had seen similar projects around the blogosphere, but I had no idea how easy this really was.Once all the supplies are gathered, and the glue gun is all heated up, this project is finished in about 5 minutes. Super easy and quite spectacular.


bag of earring pieces, include studs and backs
flower buttons
glue gun and glue
heavy-duty scissors

First, you will need to cut the back of the button. I used a really heavy pair of shear like scissors. Button will look like top button in the picture before, and then the bottom button after.

Once backs are removed, glue the stud part of the earring onto the back of the button.

Place the stud as center and as level as possible. Hold until back is firmly in place.

Repeat. Since you have two ears, you probably want two earrings.

Give them away or put them on. You choose.

Simple. Lovely. Simply lovely.


Elle Sees said...

Cute and simple. And easy, esp. for this non-crafter!

Cinderella, the A-Train and Our Little Caboose said...

Very cute! I will probably make myself several pairs of these! I love rose earrings.

Stockhoff Family said...

okay those are so cute. Wgere do you find this great stuff. I love you

Keri said...

Ahhh that makes me so sad. thse are besautiful and oh how simple too. something my kids would love to do with their dad for mothers day. too bad im allergic to all kinds of metals. this maMa is a gold digger and HAS to use solid white gold. Yeah not a fan of that allergy. i want earrings so bad and dont have any caue of this problem. what a cute idea though. very creative.

McIntire Madness said...

I love this! I'm totally making these for a few mother's this year!


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