Jun 3, 2012

In a Nutshell: Shades of Summer

Shades are always good in the Summer.

Ultra cool shades are especially good.

Ultra cool shades on some of the coolest kids I know, well that is just ridiculously awesome.

Shades for everyone! Thanks to Children's Place we only spent $6 on all three pair.

Check out Littlest's face...hilarious.

Pretty sure he is a member of the neighborhood bike gang.

Here we have our own mini Top Gun...

Then there is this fella...swoon, so cute.

Our first week of Summer break went well. Now thanks to our new shades we are ready to roll out the rest of the Summa' in style.


Whatever Dee-Dee wants said...

Such handsome boys! I love there shades!

M. Jorgensen said...

Kole totally looks like mr. Cruz!!!!

Alisa said...

My son looked at the boys in their shades and said they "could all totally be friends! Those boys are stylin!!"
I love how little minds work!
Great pictures.

ColleenandKendra said...

Oh man, they are darling. Or cool. I'm sure they'd prefer "cool" over "darling". Kendra will have to bring her sparkly shades...:-) She's excited to hang out with these cuties!

Stockhoff Family said...

You are going to be totally beating the girls away before long. It is going to be time for Gramps rule "girl's are evil until you get home from your mission"! haha. By the way you look gorgeous.

Amy said...

Holy cow Cole is turning into one handsome boy! (not that he wasn't always cute) Him and Lauren are going to be one cute couple!


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