Oct 28, 2012

In a Nutshell: SNOW and Party Madness

At approximately 4:30 in the a.m. on Thursday morning, I was walking through the house. What!?!

That would be the truth. Yup folks, my super cute baby still gets up in the a.m. to inhale a feeding.


So I was up in the a.m and noticed that it was unusually bright outside, especially for an early Fall morning. I was super puzzled then a light bulb went off.

Immediately in my head I groaned, "Noooooooo!"

I opened the blinds and sure 'nuff, the ground was covered in white stuff. Hahaha, I totally just rhymed.

While I was a little sad at the immediate ending to Fall, my most favorite season, I was excited for my Little Men. They LOVE, luuhve the snow.

When they came upstairs to get ready for school and saw that I had set out snow boots, they immediately ran to the window. Thanks to the snow we had one of our chipperest mornings ever.

They got ready in speed time and happily walked out the door.

By the time Middle and Little came home from school, they were both all to happy to head back outside and have some fun in the snow.

They made giant snowballs.

They made smaller snowballs. Middle may also have been caught putting those small snowballs in the hood of Little's coat.

There was lots of snow throwing and lots of stomping around.

There was lot sand lots of happiness.

The other big thing this week was getting ready for Middle's 6th birthday.

This was my first birthday party since becoming a Momma to four Little Men. I will admit it was really rather tough to pull off. There were plenty of moments were I just wanted to scrap it all and buy some pizzas and let them all play video games.

Since I had promised Middle an Avengers party, and because that made him super duper excited, I stuck with the whole shindig.

We had tons of fun and I think the party was a success.

Here is a sneak peak for now. I will post about all our Avenger fun next week.

Have a happy and lovely Sunday.


Polly @ Pieces by Polly said...

I'm so not looking forward to the snow. Fortunately we don't have any yet.

Your kids look so cute playing in the snow, especially the little fellow with glasses.

Ashley said...

oh man. It doesn't snow much here my kid would be thrilled for some snow!!

Melanie said...

OH....snow! How exciting and depressing all at the same time.

Party looks fun.

Larissa@Just Another Day in Paradise said...

I know, right!


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