Saying thank you is always a good idea.
I will let you know a little secret...I am pretty lame at writing thank you cards. I really want to get better. I want to make a better effort. I also want to teach those Little Men of mine to learn the gentlemanly art of writing thank you know Mr. Darcy like.
After all, we could use more Mr. Darcys in the world. Since I have four future Mr. Darcys I figure I should start working on it now.
Plus with it being Thanksgiving and all, I figured it would be an even better time to write out thank you notes.
I wanted to make some Thanksgiving color themed thank you cards.
I went over to PicMonkey and played around and made a couple of of cards.
I wanted the backs to be just as cute as the fronts.
I can't decided which card is my favorite. I do love the back of this one.
I printed off the cards and cut them out. Then I sat my boys down and talked about who we were thankful for and why we were thankful for them.
Then we wrote out notes.
Sometimes the thank you was a simple little drawing.
I have put all the cards into a pdf and made them available to download.
Download and then print off the cards onto cardstock. Then cut out the cards, trimming the edges to about 4 1/2" by 7". Fold in half. Stack up. Get some matching envelopes (I couldn't find any in the right size, but I had to have this color).
Now you have a stack of cards. I also think this could be cute to set at each dinner plate on Thanksgiving day. Everyone could write a note of thanks before they eat some delightful turkey and stuffing.
Happy Friday Friends!
Those are super cute! I love the hymn on the back!!
such a great idea!
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