Jan 30, 2013

A Pinteresting Wednesday: You are "Loaf"ed Valentine

Welcome to another A Pinteresting Wednesday.

Only part of this post is about my crossing off a pin from my pinboards. When I first saw a pin for using tissue paper and wax paper to wrap cookies or a small loaf of bread, I thought "genius!".

I was not surprised to find the original idea came from the ever-wonderful Martha Stewart and Company.

Now here I have a moment of truth...it is a common problem with Pinterest...



Oh no she didn't just say there is a problem with Pinterest!

Sadly I did, but let me explain before you pledge to hate me forever.

Okay so many times the instructions/comments/description of the pins you see are not accurate to the actual project or pin. Sometimes the way you think the project is going to be done is not.

For instance, when I originally pinned this project the description was simply "iron wax paper over tissue paper" with the picture of cute loaves of bread wrapped in said tissue paper/wax paper.

So for months I filed the project away in my head. I kept my eye out for cute tissue paper and waited for a good time to try out this project. I found some cute Valentine paper and I also thought of a cute Valentine saying to go with a tiny loaf of bread. I set out to make my Loafy Valentine.

Tissue paper ready. Wax paper ready. Iron warmed and bread made. I was ready for a quick project.


When it came time to click over to do the project, imagine my surprise when I found out the project was not to iron a sheet of tissue paper between layers of wax paper, it was actually to punch out shapes from the tissue paper and then to iron those in between the layers of wax paper.

Minor change, but it did make the project a little harder.

Also I wasn't in love with the final project as much as I loved Martha's...yes I am aware that maybe because I am not Martha...unfortunately.

When will the wah-fest end???

Now, because the good news is that the final product was still cute and it went perfectly with my Loaf Valentine idea.

I took my wrapped bread and tied a strip of gingham fabric around it.

I made two different tags using PicMonkey of course. One with the "You are LOAFed" phrase on it. I hole punched and strung on the heart tag to the loaf. Then I attached the main tag to the fabric with a washi-covered clothespin.

I even made a download with some "You are LOAFed" tags for you. So bake up your favorite loaf of bread, wrap it up and attach this little tag.

I would love for you to be a follower of Just Another Day in Paradise before you download these tags. That would make me feel oh-so-LOAFED.

I made a little tiny version of my favorite white bread recipe, so it seemed only fitting that I gave a little jar of homemade raspberry jam with it.

An easy and and yummy valentine to give a friend, a neighbor, or a teacher.

Thanks for visiting this A Pinteresting Wednesday and for putting up with my teeny tiny rant.


Corey and Jenessa said...

Yo sister, this looks like some good eatin'! Feel free to "loaf" me over here in Maryland! Love you!

Larissa@Just Another Day in Paradise said...

Hahaha...for sure! I wish I was there to cook for you!


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