Apr 10, 2013

A Pinteresting Wednesday: Charlie Brown Party Invites

Welcome to another A Pinteresting Wednesday--Charlie Brown Party Edition.

I am kind of hoping you all aren't all Charlie Brown'ed out. When I do a party it tends to kind of consume all my creating time. Consequently I have a lot of party related projects to share.

So fingers crossed you guys are waiting on the edge of your seats for the next Charlie Brown Birthday Party installment...

Or at the very least you are mildly interested in the crazy antics of yours truly and are kind of waiting to see what I come up with next!

I have said before that Pinterest has made throwing a party all the easier.

Not only can you find entire parties in certain themes, but you can also find different ideas here and there that would fit into a specific theme.

I have used Pinterest to help me plan a Superman Party, a Harry Potter Party, an Avengers Party, and recently a Mexican Fiesta First Birthday and of course a Charlie Brown Party.

Most of the time I use ideas I pin as PINspration...sorry I had to..ehem..

So as I was saying I use Pinterest as a jumping off point.

Today I am sharing with you my Charlie Brown Birthday Party Invites.

I had THIS invite from Piggy Bank Parties on my Charlie Brown Pinterest Board.

I made a simple little version of their card for Little's invite. I used PicMonkey, of course.

I didn't just want the party invite, though. I also wanted an envelope for the invite.

I had this little idea to use Peanuts comic book images as the paper for the envelope.

I had this Peanuts comic book.

I scanned in one of the comic strips that I liked.

I edited the image in Picmonkey, adding a text box saying, "You Are Invited".

I printed off the image twice, once with the words and once without.

Then I sewed the two papers together right sides facing out.

That made a perfect little pocket envelope for the Charlie Brown Party Invite.

All I had to do is repeat so each little party guest got one.

Pinterest is perfect for a little inspiration.

My Time to Party Board is jam-packed full of party ideas.

Are you throwing a party anytime soon? Do you use Pinterest too?

I would love for you to follow Just Another Day in Paradise on Pinterest.


My Recent Favorite Books said...

Your Charlie Brown party ideas are so cute!!

Im a follower on Pinterest, thanks!

Unknown said...

Hi there thanks for sharing your cute charlie brown invite.
I am trying to make a similar invite. could you do a tutorial on how you created this invite?


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