Apr 21, 2015

Spider-Man Spider Web Spray Cover (Printable)

Last week I shared all about our recent Spider-Man Birthday Party we had over here.

One of the activities was a little spider web spray off. We sent all of the kids out back and had them attack each other with Spidey Web (aka silly string).

I wanted to hide the generic silly string label with a coordinating party themed one. So as I normally do, I went over to PicMonkey and whipped up a label. Can I just say how amazing all of the superhero overlays are?

They are amazing.

There I said it.

It can be a bit tricky to make sure that you get the label to fit the silly string can, so I am providing two different printing options.

Above is the original JPEG that I made. You can right click and save that to your computer, open it in a Word document and adjust the size accordingly. Then print it off on card stock.

The other option is to download the pdf document below and to print if off on card stock. This image cannot be adjusted so depending on the size of your can it may be too small or too big.

 Download Spidey Web label HERE

Cut out the labels and hot glued them in place.

Now we are ready for a pretty epic Spidey Web battle.

Not only was it epic, but it was the favorite activity of the party.

I hope you aren't bored of all this Spider-Man partying. I might have a few more things to share. Oh the excitement!

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