That's right...its official, eight years. Who knew it would fly by just like that. In order to avoid too much cheese, I will make it short and sweet. At the time, that was the happiest day of my life. I had waited and planned and prepared to marry someone not only worthy but worthy of me (no not vain, but a girl has to have standards)...finally it was here. I could not have been any happier then that day...
And then followed innumerable happiest moments, innumerable happiest days. Yes at the time, August 25, 2001 at 8:20 am (yes AM!) was the happiest day of my life. However, now it is one of the happiest memories of my life and to that has been added an abundance of happiest memories over these past eight years.
Here is to eight years of happiest days.

Eight of My Favorite Memories of 8.25.01
in no particular order
1.getting ready in a cold bath because I had no hot water
2.the long drive to Salt Lake City just waiting to see you
3.the Salt Lake City Temple
4.having friends and family there
5.you grabbing my toukus while we were taking pictures
6.getting lost trying to find a grocery store before honeymoon
7. baowm chick-a-wah-wah
8. marrying you
do i want to know what 'baown chick-a-wah-wah' is?? hm...probably not. you want to know my least favorite thing about 8.25.01? That I missed it by like one month in that darn mtc. Congrats you guys. I miss you!
LARISSA!!! You are so scandelous!
Congratulations on your 8 wonderful years together. Thanks for sharing your favorite memories of the day too. :)
Eight years?? How can that be?? You've come a long way from the "I'm-never-going-to-get-married" teenage angst! Yes, I do remember those days . . . I love you and your darling family. Congrats!!
A tiara? Really?
Tyler grab my toukus (did I spell that right?) when we were taking pictures too. Huh...funny
I remember that day, and you had Rascal Flatts CD at your luncheon after the ceremony at the park. That is when I was indoctrinated into the goodness that is Rascal Flatts! In fact, frequently when I hear them, I think of YOU! I do remember that the alarm clock didn't go off for me to get to your wedding! BLAST. I really was sad to have missed it! Congrats on 8 years, you guys are so cute.
too cute - congrats on 8 years! the look on spencer's face is cracking me up. I do understand the addition of happy days - being a mom brings those in abundance!!! :)
Some things a dad just doesn't want to know or we shouldn't know. However, the one thing I do know is that you all are awesome and how grateful I am to have you as a daughter and son-in-law. Oh, and those 3 grandsons aren't bad either. Love you, and congrats on the big #8.
I insist on taking at least partial credit the man who is your husband! Explain you say- I prayed long and hard for the perfect man to come into your life. He did :) Love Mom One of my favorite memories of that day-when I asked if you needed help changing to leave and you said "Uhm no mom, I have help,Spencer's right here"
hey there you beautiful 8 year veteran you. way to go on this milestone that most people just jump right over on their way to 10! hey, so sorry that i didn't make it down your way while i was there. we ended up having a PRETTY full week. i hope to make it over there again soon, though. i have so much inspiration to glean from you even though you don't think you have any to share. you really do...i mean that. congrats and i hope you got to go on a date and maybe some baown chich a wah wah? tmi? yeah, i thought so
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