May 29, 2010

Hey I Can Do That!

Are you tired of your long list of projects that you bookmark
or save from other blogs that grows but never seems to get done? 
Do you look at them and think someday I will try, but then they get pushed behind 
another project you find? Or are you like me and the first time you see them you think "Hey I Can Do That", but then you talk yourself out of it not wanting to mess up someone else's glorious work?

Well, no more! People have put their projects out there to get done...and gall darn it, 
I am at least going to try. So welcome to Hey I Can Do That! Saturdays, where I am going to show you projects from blog land that I am going to finally just do. And hey I will show you even if 
my attempts fail miserably...but hopefully they won't!

Remember this from I am a Baker

It really is quite splendid. Truth be told everything she does is really quite splendid. Several posts ago I lamented that I wanted someone to make this for me for Mother's Day. I know I am such a whiner.

Well hubby was traveling the week of mother's day and last weekend was the first time we could celebrate it. And guess what? 

Hubby sure as shootin' made me one of these...

Our version was a little different because we didn't have six inch pans, so he used 8 inch pans and we kept it at six layers instead of 12. We also didn't have red food coloring...I forgot to go through my stash and check...we also went a little crazy with the food coloring. Okay I did...this was my one area of helping and I was a little heavy handed with the food coloring. So the cake is a little bright.

We also put the cool whip in between each layer instead of the simple syrup. I am not sure we would do this again, it made the cake more slippery.

Hubby did a great job. The cake was DELICIOUS. It didn't take him as long as I thought it would either. So go ahead and try it. We did, and now we know "Hey I (he) Can Do That"! 

So I guess this was a more of Hey Hubby Can Do That, but I helped...a little.

So Hey You Can Do That too...

I would love to see your blog land projects. Let me know what you have done!


Amy said...

Oh my gosh, I lurrrve rainbow cakes! I have proper food colouring on my shopping list for next time I go to the States, UK stuff just doesn't cut it!

staci @ lizard n ladybug said...

that looks great! I have this saved on my 'to do' list too :)

Amanda said...

Great job!! You did beautifully!!!


Holly Wilcox said...

Impressive Hubby! Seriously, I'm amazed.

Amanda said...

woah! way to go Spencer!

Libbie said...

It is gorgeous! Now that is true love! Yes...I have a different rainbow cake bookmarked :) Too funny!

Elle Sees said...

I'm liking this new feature!


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