Did I just say a giveaway from the Vanessa from V&Co? Why yes, yes I did. Don't ask me how you all got so lucky...well I am pretty sure it is because she is the coolest person ever oh and maybe because I begged her!
It probably doesn't hurt that our hubbies went to grad school together either. Hehehe.
So this girl really doesn't need any introductions...
I am pretty sure everyone knows her AND everyone knows how insanely talented she is. Oh and did you just say, "what about how Hee-larious she is?" It's true... while reading some of her post I have laughed hard enough I may have tinkled slightly...cut me a break I have had 3 kids.
I HEART her blog. I could spend precious sleeping time pouring over all of her tutorials and projects. If by some chance you haven't stopped by her blog...don't feel stupid or uncool I won't tell anyone...go ASAP. Start in her tutorials! Here are two of my favs...

PS you all, she does that with SPRAY PAINT. Yes, go ahead say it, I know you are thinking it, she is the bomb diggity.
Well my friend Vanessa is doing me a ginormo favor, thereby doing you all a ginormo favor...she is giving one of my lovely readers 3 of her awesome patterns...can you say HAPPY MOTHER'S DAY???
Have you seen her patterns? Here are some of my favorites...
oh why can't I quilt???
A delightful calorie-free dessert
Remember this from SYTYC?
So you want some of her patterns now don't you?
SO here's how you can win 3 of her patterns...
Giveaway Time--
You get 1 entry by
Going to her shop browsing around, and then leaving me a comment about which one is your favorite
Want another entry?
Show me some love and become a follower here (or if you already are a follower), then let me know
Hey you want another one? Okay...
Spread the word, facebook or blog about it
HEY I am not done...
Do you want another 3 entries...yeah I said 3...
Show HER some love and go to her shop and buy something that you just can't live without, then let me know what you got yourself...Can you say HAPPY MOTHER'S DAY?
Okay peeps...let's get this party started...
Remember, you need to leave a separate comment for EACH entry you do (including 3 separate comments if you buy something from her shop)... monotonous I know but I might go batty trying to separate them all.
This lovely giveaway will end on Friday May 7th at 11:59 pm est
Thanks again Vanessa. You rock...'nuff said.
1 – 200 of 209 Newer› Newest»I like the go anywhere bag and the strawberry shortcake pattern
I am a follower
Hey Larissa! This is awesome!
I love her scarf or the ruffled skirt pattern. They are all great though! I'd love to win!
I love the changes you've made to your blog, by the way:). I never told you that!
I like the vintage baby blanket. kapfife at gmail dot com
I'm a follower! kapfife at gmail dot com
I follow your blog:).
Love the fabric bracelet pattern!!
LOVE the strawberry shortcake!!
I have always loved Vanessa's fabric bracelets. adorabilatee@charter.net
I just became a follower...found you from V & Co.
Love the go anywhere bag!
no doubt about it...vintage baby blanket. oh, and the ruffled skirt. maybe the scarf? okay love it all!
the flirty skirt is soooo my favourite! yes it is!
I love the flirty skirt. jessicaleeperkins@hotmail.com
I just became a follower.
I've been eyeing that flirty skirt for awhile now. Love it!
I love the flirty skirt pattern. So cute! Thanks for the chance! Jeanette at thealldays@msn(dot)com
I just became a follower, I love your blog header! I'm excited to peruse around your blog!
I absolutely love Vanessa's strawberry shortcake pattern! I just got into the felt food making world, and this is one of the cutest things out there!
I really love the baby quilt pattern, I have been wanting to make a quilt for a while now.
I became a follower.
Loving her flirty skirt. Thanks so much!
I'm a follower now!
My favorites are the fabric bracelet and the go anywhere bag.
Thanks for the giveaway!
paula_lemos at vodafone dot pt
I'm a follower!
paula_lemos at vodafone dot pt
I can't decide between the gathered pillow with blue flowers or the go anywhere bag. I've had my eye on both of them for some time. joshandrebecca at yahoo dot com
i love the new vinyl iron-ons! and the fabric jewelry! sooo cute!
I am a follower. joshandrebecca at yahoo dot com
So I loved the ruffle pillow pattern and bought it! I'd like to redo my daughters' bedroom this summer and those pillows would be sooo cute!
The vintage baby quilt is my favorite, although I do love those pillows! Thanks for the giveaway!
love the gathered pillow with blue flowers.
just became a follower! :)
Love the vintage baby quilt pattern and the fabric bracelet.
Just became a follower :)
I love the Cake pattern.
Connie F
I love the fabric flower ring....so cute!
I have been eyeing that bracelet pattern for quite some time! so cute!
Love the flirty skirt!
im a follower!~thethriftyba@yahoo.com
lovin' the flirty skirt! the thrifty ba @ yahoo.com
Thanks for this great opportunity! I am now a follower of your blog. I like the fabric bracelet and the flirty shirt patterns in V's shop. I love your blog! Have a great one--
dlbeisel (at) gmail (dot) com
I love all of Vanessa's pillow patterns! She is very creative!
I am now a follower!
I would love to learn how to make that ruffle skirt. I would make one in every color!
Love the Flirty Skirt pattern! I would love to make some cute skirts out of jersey material.
Oh I love V&CO!!! I came over via her blog so I'll have to stay and check you out.
I love the strawberry shortcake, favorite scarf and the vintage baby quilt!!!
I am so glad I follow Vanessa's blog so she could direct me here! I'm a follower now!
The Flirty Skirt is my favorite!
I'm now a follower!
Oh, and I love-love-love the favorite scarf in Vanessa's shop!
i'm a follower
i would choose the fabric wrapped balls or bracelet
I spread the word on facebook
I love the scarf pattern!
i want the pattern to those bracelets!
fabric bracelet
I like the flirty skirt pattern. Hope I win!
"Congratulations, Renee Campbell
You are now following Just Another Day in Paradise!"
Love that flirty skirt. Thanks for the great giveaway!
Also following.
I am a follower.
I love the braided pillow and the strawberry shortcake.
I really like her decorative balls...but I also really like her ruffle argyle scarf, but then there is also her ruffle pillow!!! oh oh oh
I just became a follower also...yeah!!!
I've been dying to make a fabric bracelet from her pattern. ellzabelle@hotmail.com
I'm now a follower! ellzabelle@hotmail.com
I love the ruffle pillow patterns! So cute!
Ok..so I just couldn't decide what I like best. My favs are the fabric braclet, ring and the go anywhere bag!
I like the Ruffled Pillow!
kell22 @ cox.net
This is too fun!
I especially love the braided pillow pattern. :o)
* Drop by my blog too - I am having a give a way every Monday this month *
Sincerely ~ Tricia
The ruffled T-shirt skirt!
I'm a follower.
I would love her decorative balls or the ruffle pillow pattern. Thanks for hosting a fun giveaway!
am now a follower :) excited to read more about it.
K too hard to choose, so I'll tell ya three-since she is giving away three patterns. hahaha
the flirty skirt,
the quilt
the go anywhere bag.
THanks for the chance to win!
I'm a follower:)
I'm a follower:)
I just bought the fabric bracelet pattern and may just head back over to buy some more:)
The go anywhere bag is so cute! Love it! Hope I win! kristinebunting@gmail.com
I would love the fabric bracelet pattern and the strawberry shortcake pattern
And I'm a new follower
Love the strawberry shortcake pattern - love both of your blogs.
I'm a follower.
I love all of vanessa's pillows, especially the scrunched up ones and spray paint. love all the tutorials. love that bracelet one too. would love to win!!
I've been wanting that flirty skirt pattern. LOVE V&Co.
jesslinq at gmail dot com
I sure did just become a follower too.
jesslinq at gmail dot com
I love the go anywhere bag and the flirty skirt.
I am a follower - love your blog.
I love the flirty skirt.
I am a follower.
i love that scarf and have actually looked at it several times in her store.
I am a follower
hmmmm, how about the flirty skirt... or maybe the fabric bracelet? Love them all!
Oh my...love the gathered pillow with the blue flowers! :) celticmomma@ gmail. com
A follower
Just blogged about it!
I love the vintage baby quilt...I heart it for sure.
i heart v & co as well! you are lucky to be called her friend (and i am sure vice versa!) :) i think her gathered pillow pattern is my fave.
Ok, I think I am the only one but I absolutely LOVE that turkey.
I'd love the ruffle argyle scarf and I just became a follower. Thanks!
I follow your blog!!! :)
I love the strawberry shortcake pattern! So cute!
May I say I am so very glad V&Co introduced me to your blog ... I became a follower this evening.
I really love the braided pillow pattern ... way cool and the strawberry shortcake pattern looks delish!
I would love to make any of those ruffled pillows or the gathered ruffle pillows with the flowers.
I love the quilt with the monogram.
I follow your blog.
Love the strawberry shortcake pattern and know a special little girl who would adore it too! :)
I like the go anywhere bag!
I just subscribed!!
I am a follower as of today! Thanks for stopping by my blog and saying hi!
I love the bracelet, the quilt and the strawberry shortcake patterns gelswood@aol.com.
ooh, I love the Flirty Skirt, and the Go-Anywhere bag!
I am now a follower.
I love the cake! So cute!
I already have a bunch of her patterns but I'd love to get the flirty skirt one, and I'm sure I could find more to want as well!
I'm a follower.
I'm totally into that fabric bracelet on her banner. I'd love to make one.
I am a follower.
I am really liking the flirty skirt pattern from her shop.
I love the favorite scarf (wonderful name!)
I'm a new follower :)
I love the scarf patterns and the skirt!!!
love the gathered pillow and fabric bracelet!
Love the argyle scarf, although the ruffle skirt is a close second!
i'm a follower :)
The fabric bracelet and lots of others!
I'm a follower!
I love the play food PDF's. Sooooo cute!
I'm following!
I follow you. :)
i love that fabric floral ring kit. that is awesome!
I love her go anywhere bag! :)
The go anywhere bag is my favourite though its very difficult to choose.
I love the braided pillow! That looks like it would be a lot of fun to create.. over and over again...
I'm now a follower of your blog!
I really love the fabric bracelet!!
I love the fabric bracelet pattern, and loved the ruffled scarf she did for SYTYC..
I love the heat-press vinyl! luscofamily@ortelco.net
i really love the go anywhere bag,the flower is so beautiful..!!!!
I am a follower of your blog now...!!!
I love it all! The flower rings are so cute, and also the Go-Anywhere bag.
I am a follower!
I just became a follower :-D
And my favorite pattern is the flirty skirt. I love the ruffled hem! (I also really like the favorite scarf!)
I love the baby quilt!
I'm a new blog follower!
I love the braided pillow, reminds me of the braided rugs my gg (grandmother) used to make.
I love every single one of her patterns. I'm in need of a new skirt, so my favorite right now is the ruffled skirt pattern. :)
My fav is the flirty skirt pattern. Love the ruffle!
The flirty skirt pattern! Love it!
I'm a follower!
Love the skirt and go anywhere bag
I'm a follower too :)
I LOVE the flirty skirt and have been wanting to try it for a while! Thanks for the opportunity to win it!
...AND I love your bog and am glad I found it! I'm definitely adding you to my google reader list...
I love the ruffled scarf.
I am now a showing the love follower!
love love those pillows!!! Great giveaway! ALL her stuff is just beautiful! thanks for sharing the love with this giveaway!
...also, I am now following you...great blog! :)
I can´t make up my mind between the pressed vinyl images or the fabric bracelet. But all of her things are to die for.
omigosh! love that gathered pillow. it is so sweet and feminine :)
I LOVE her gathered pillow with the flower on it AND the flirty tshirt skirt with the ruffle!
I am a new and happy follower!
I love the baby quilt!
I love the fabric bracelet.
Awwww the strawberry shortcake with detachable frosting pdf file, is so cute, also the turkey is lovely funny!
I love the ruffle argyle scarf pattern. Living in the humid south, I look forward to the cool weather days when I can sport my favorite outfits consisting of: jeans, flip flops and an awesome scarf.
I like her Flirty skirt....think it looks comfy! I also LOVE her ruffle argyle scarf!
I am a brand new follower!!!! Love your blog. Thanks
I love the fabric bracelet and the Strawberry shortcake pattern! So cute!
I became a follower! Great blog! :)
Oh yeah - posted on Facebook too! raelynne01@hotmail.com (Rae Lynne Chase)
thank you for stopping by my blog! i am honored!
Favorites are the scarves.....
I think my fav is the favorite scarf!
Oh, I love the anywhere bag and ruffled pillow! Please enter me.
I am follower now, too!
I'm a new follower!! I love V&Co blog and read about the giveaway and now fell in love with yours and your awesome tutorials!
I love the Fabric Bracelet and the Go Anywhere Bag!! Thanks so much for the chance of a giveaway!!
I like the braided pillow pattern. It is rather mesmerizing!
That flirty skirt is so lovely - love it!
I think the gathered pillow is my favorite, but I do love the flirty skirt too.
My daughter makes cakes...so I'd definitely love the strawberry shortcake pattern. That's so adorable!
I love love love the vintage quilt pattern!
I want the strawbetty shortcake pattern please oh please!! Love it!!
I'm now a follower. Thanks
I have two favorites -- the flirty t-shirt skirt and the fabric bracelet. Thank you for this giveaway.
My favorite is the ruffle pillow but it's all adorable!
I'm absolutely in love with her gathered pillow (ya know...the white one with the blue flowers).
Flirty skirt. Flatters so well!!
I have to have the bracelet and braided pillow tutorials! PLEEEEEAAAASE
I'm a follower
As a quilter, I love her Vintage Baby Quilt pattern. Lucky you to have such a talented friend!
I love the gathered pillow with flowers.
I'm following you! yay!
I am a follower!
I really like the vintage baby blanket!
I put a link on my facebook!
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