Sep 19, 2011
My Current Project
This should explain my lack of blogging. My lack of creating. My lack of updates. My lack of finishing stuff around the house. My lack of getting dressed...oh wait you can't see that can you?
So my new current project (Bean, we shall call it for now) was not on our original list of to-do's. Bean was put on the list quite without planning and to the utter shock and surprise of us the list makers.
For those of you putting 2 and 2 together...Surprise Bean plus 30 days in a hotel equals a pretty miserable Momma. We found out about Bean about a week into our hotel stay. Smells have not been my friend at all this has been a completely new experience for me. So a month in a hotel, a clean one at that, was too much to handle. There are a lot of smells that get trapped in a hotel room. Ugh, dry heave just conjuring up the memory...
Ok, I am back. Needless to say I still get a little queasy just when I drive by that hotel.
I have been the sickest I have ever been. Almost constant sour stomach and nausea. Nausea leads to migraines and migraine leads to more get the gist.
So friends, baking our New Bean in my oven is taking almost everything I have. It is hard work growing a human. The drill is something very familiar to a lot of you. Exhaustion and sickness. So I know you understand with my lack of doing stuff. Typing this as we speak has made me drowsy enough to take a 2 hour nap...hahaha...yawn...haha....snore...
ehem...I am up.
Bean is going to be taking up most of my time for a little while. Which is fine, because that is how it should be, right????
After the shock, Hubby and I have adjusted to the idea. We are ready to welcome another little one into our home and family. We told our Little Men last night.
Littlest didn't really comprehend, but when I asked him if he would be okay with a new baby he nodded his head. Middle and Oldest were beyond excited. Oldest declared, "Now we will have a sister". We both quickly had to remind him the baby could very well be another brother. They were both okay with that too.
You might be wondering the completion day of our Bean project. The estimation is March 28. Just days before Littlest turns 3....HAPPY BIRTHDAY.
Yep, I am about 13 weeks. Only 27 more to go!
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like you my husband and I got surprised with pregnancy number three. like you I was very sick. Right now I am holding my one month old baby girl. The sick gets better and I am looking back on it going, "that wasn't so bad." I know you Know all this seeing as you have done it before. Congratulations to you and your family. enjoy!
How exciting Larissa! I'm sorry you've been so sick :(. What fun it will be to see another version, boy or girl! I am glad I'm done, but I still think hearing about new babies is the best news in the world!
Congratulations! Hope your morning sickness ends quickly and that you have smooth sailing from then on!
With 2 and 3 my morning sickness was sooo bad that I had to take a small dose of Zofran just to make it through the day.. uggh.. I feel for you!
Wow, you are the fourth person I'm following who is having a March baby next year. Ours is due the week of the 12th.
It's going to be fun following all of my fellow pregnant bloggers!
Go team 3/2012!
This is so exciting, March 2012 will be a busy month for baby doctors.
congrats!! :D
Love your guts, baby mama. I am so excited to see the pretty offspring currently residing in your womb.
Natalie aka Your Fave Sister aka The Greatest Aunt in the World
My 4th was a girl after 3 boy's. I'm crossing my fingers for ya! :) I seemed to be fairly sick with her too! and she was just born this year in March 28th! Good Luck!
So happy for you! So sorry you have been so sick. That I understand! In all my other pregnancies I have never been as sick as this one. It should get better, but rest is your best friend. Best wishes to you and your adorable family.
You should be feeling better any minute now, with luck! Congrats and good luck on this latest project!
WOW congrats having 4 is blast and soooo easy compared to 3. strange enouh I think once you get to 4 choas is just second nature. Youre gonna laugh at me tohugh. I think I dug a little to deep into your little ink blot. to me baby resembles a little dino baby with his cute little dino mouth open and ready to chomp something. seriously the cutest baby dino picture ive ever seen. LOL lets cross our fingers baby dino is a girl wouldnt that be a treat...if not I will say having 4 scrumptious little boys is spectacular beyond words. I LOVE it. good luck and rest rest rest.
PS. thanks for the lose tooth advice. one night after football practice Tyler begged me to not give up and to wiggle the tooth lose. I spent 30 minutes no joke twisting, pulling, swinging, and cursing that darn tooth out. but it cameout. yeah for me. I did it.
Congratulations! Hope you feel better soon. Taking a blog break wouldn't be such a bad idea.
Congratulations! The best project ever! :)
So exciting. Congratulations!
Congratulations!!! You are such an amazing mother. Hang in there with all the sickness, I hope it does not last too long.
Yay, congrats to you and your sweet family! Hope you feel better soon, friend. Hugs to you. :-)
p.s. I LOVE your new home! Lucky you!
Ha! I totally understand your pain! I got an extremely surprising pregnancy and was also sooo sick. Not actually barfing all the time, just feeling like I was about to barf all the time. And the smells were bad too--i had just gotten a new perfume when I started getting sick and I couldnt wear it cuz any perfume made me want to puke. Then after the baby, every time I smelled that perfume the nausea immediately came back--I had to throw the perfume away. Happened with a lotion too. But.....its all worth it, congratulations!
very cool! I think it's a girl because you are so sick and you feel differently. I was sickest with my girl but afraid to say with each pregnancy, you just get more tired I think. But tell Spencer congrats too! can't wait to see a picture of this little BEAN!!!
Well hooray! So excited. Thinking Mr. Oldest is right on point. All that sickness. Hmmmmmm....sounds rather girly to me! Congrats to you all. Good luck, stay sane, get rest, and grow that cute little Bean!
Congtats! That is so exciting!
Great news for you! Congratulations! Definitely a front-burner project!
Finally you don't have to worry about your DAD or I (but this time YOUR DAD) telling half the free world. Wooohooo!!!!! Love you
We're very excited for you! Congrats! I'm sure that was a big surprise but a great one. Good thing you didn't get rid of your stuff. Get some rest and feel better. Well be awaiting your updates whenever you get around to it :).
Congrats, congrats!! So happy for you, and for Bean, what a lucky little bean to get to call you mommy! I wish you the best and hope that you start feeling better soon. You make beautiful little beans so I am sure that in the end it will all be worth it. Much love.
P.S. your house looks amazing! What a dream!
Congratulations with your little wonder in your belly!
I am so utterly delighted for you!! Can't wait to hear more over the next 27 weeks!! Love ya good luck
Congratulations! My DIL has a 2 yr old she calls 'little bean', and a 10 month old that she calls 'weensy beansy''re in good company! Hope you feel better soon and can enjoy the pregnancy a little more! Gotta go...I have some little beans arriving at the door any moment! :))
Congratulations! I'm having trouble with smells myself this time around...but that's not abnormal for me! I'm hoping the extreme nausea this time around means little girl...but at 14 weeks myself, I've finally figured out that I just shouldn't cook. If I do the cooking, then I can't do any husband hasn't gotten behind this plan 100% yet...about me not cooking anymore that is!
Yay for number four!! And Bean is a pretty cute name -- how nice to have that debate already over with! ;) I hope you do indeed take a rest from the optional parts of your wonderfully frenzied life and treat yourself to some slow-down. I hope life is improving now that the hotel is just a memory. I am selfishly so glad you live where you live now!! Kristi is just up the road which means we will travel that road from time to time. Yippee!
Well... I say, perfect timing!!! That is awesome! Congrats!
YAY!!!! I am so excited for you! No matter what the bean is, I know they'll be gorgeous, because I don't expect anything else from you. Good Luck on a very good and healthy pregnancy.
I always thought that morning sickness would ease up with each kid, not for me, worse with each one. Could be that way for you...better yet, you're little miss is on her way!! If that's the case, yay for you and your men... and me (then you will have some awesomeley amazing girl ideas!! Hooray!!) Love ya
My congratilations, it's so sweet :)))) Hope you'll feel better soon!
I just LOVE your blog, will read you now :)
Congratulations!!!!!!! I was very sick when I was pregnant too, so I understad you a lot. A little girl would be so great!! But a little boy too!! Good luck!!
How exciting and amazing and perfect. Good luck with your growing family. Congrats!!
Congrats! Very exciting. You and I are about the same amount of weeks along. I am due March 18th. But unlike you, I only have one little man at home...very different then your 3 little men at home :) Congrats...we find out in 3 weeks the gender...are you going to find out?
-Laura Roth
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