Some girls might resent having a chest equal to that of a prepubescent 14 year-old boy. Some, but not me. I actually prefer my athletic chest. Yes, that is what I call it that instead of flat-chested. It makes me feel better about the situation.
The great thing about having an "athletic chest" is that my shirt wardrobe can come from the all over the place. I have several shirts from the girls department. If the shirt is long enough and not too tween in style, then I can rock a sweet girl's XL shirt.
I had never thought of trying out little boys clothes though until a couple of weeks ago when I found a sweet crew neck sweatshirt on clearance in the boys department of Old Navy. Truth...I actually loved it and bought it for Oldest. Then I got home and for some reason hung it up in my closet. Probably because I was too lazy to walk downstairs and hang it up in his closet.
So the next day when I was trying to decide what to wear, I kept staring longingly at the sweatshirt. I decided I should probably just try it on. I mean what could it hurt, right?
I loved it. Therefore, I wore it all day long and it has never made it to Oldest's closet. It is mine now.
With that lovely crew neck sweatshirt in mind, I was more open minded when I looked in the little boys' clothing department.
That is how I found this glorious kelly green gingham gem.
Glorious right?
It was on clearance and looked big enough, so I didn't even try it on. I just bought it and triumphantly carried it home. When I got home, I decided I should try it on just to see how cute it was.
That is when I found a problem.
I may have the chest of a 14 year old boy, but alas I do not have the hips of a 14 year old boy. I have had four babies after all.
The sweatshirt had been cut wider and it was knit, so that problem never arose.
The less forgiving cotton in this button up shirt was not accommodating my not so boyish hips.
ACK! I was so sad. I wrestled with taking it back, saving it for Oldest, or just dealing with it.
First I tried dealing with it. I wore it over a layering shirt and left the bottom button undone. I hated it.
When I was sharing my woes with a friend, she suggested I just add a panel.
Duh! I should have thought of that.
When I found this print during a recent shopping trip at JoAnn's, it sealed the deal.
This was a really easy refashion and just took under an hour.
So if you are like me, you know flat-chested, here is something you can do to expand your wardrobe options.
At each side seam, I measured up 4" from the bottom hem. I marked it with a pin. Then I cut up, just left of the double seam.
I made a triangle pattern. I added an inch in height and width to accommodate for the seams. I also cut the top tip flat. I cut two triangles from my cut print.
Pin the print fabric to the right side of the cut seam, right sides facing. Pin the triangle with about a 1/2" overlap on the top.That part will tuck under. Sew with 1/4" seam allowance. I chose to use a contrasting thread to make it pop more.
Pin the over side of the print, right sides facing with the other cut edge of the shirt. Carefully sew around the excess at the top. You still want to be able to pull it through to the back.
Press the seams. Then roll up the bottom of the triangle and press to match the hem of the original shirt.
Sew the hem in place. Then sew a line of stitches across the very top securing that excess flap to the inside of the shirt. I also did a kind of top stitch around my new panel for visual cuteness.
Easy as that!
Now I can wear this cute kelly green little boys' shirt all Spring and Summer and not worry about those womanly hips of mine. Ha!
Oh the wardrobe possibilities are endless now! Huzzah!
Follow along with Just Another Day in Paradise
Oh seriously love what you did, and so darn jealous that you can fit into a boys shirt!
Thanks Jennifer! Haha! Being flat chested works out sometimess!
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