May 3, 2010

Have You Thanked A Teacher?

FIRST...if you are looking for that pretty 
awesome giveaway from V&Co
go HERE...or okay just scroll down, Haha.

AND can I just say...WOW! I knew people LOVED 
Vanessa, but I mean WOW!

Remember the giveaway closes on Friday the 7th at 11:59pm est

So how about that Teacher in your life...have you said Thank You?

This week is teacher appreciation week. This is our first year at actually having a teacher. What to give, what to give. How about an apple? But not just any apple, the good kind, the kind your doc or dentist probably wouldn't prescribe for once a day. That's right, a cookie apple.

I am new to the flooding thing, if you will remember my first flooding attempt. Well this time went a little better. I used a different icing recipe and I actually watched a little video how-to at Cookie University, there is such a glorious place, a new little site from the creator of Bake at 350.

I made circular cookies with A, B, C, & D on them to go with the apple cookies. PLUS I had to add a cute picture of my oldest little man with a cute bubble saying.

They weren't perfect, but I think I am getting the hang of it. Now if I only had more than one #2 tip!

There was a cookie poor chalkboard cookie. It fell off an hour before we were delivering it. See my sad finger marks where I wildly tried to save it?

Go thank a teacher this week. I am pretty sure they deserve it.

Thanks to our little man's teacher, Mrs. Long.


SYS Teachers


ColleenandKendra said...

Loving those cute cookies! And as a teacher, thanks for supporting yours! We love parents like you!

Amanda said...

They turned out great!

tara said... don't know how many other things i can say to tell you how totally awesome you are. congrats on being so cool!!

Susan said...

Such a cool idea...

i know my first batch of flooded cookies pretty much looked like a nightmare... but after a while i got the hang of it!

Great Blog!

Kim D. said...

Cute cookies!! Thanks for stopping by Larissa and for the sweet comments. It's never too late to start quilting and you know a professional to help with the process.

chris said...

I'm impressed your tried's looked too difficult to me. I think they turned out great.

Erin said...

Your cookies are wonderful! Any teacher would be so thrilled to get these! I know I would!!!

Unknown said...

Ooooh, I LOVE these- what a terrific idea! In my former life I was a teacher, and I'm pretty sure these wouldn't have even made it home. :)
we have a Friday Fun Find party- we'd love it if you'd link to this!


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