Mar 30, 2012

Happy Birthday Littlest

Littlest, you bring your family such pure joy. You are by far the most affectionate boy we know. You are infectious and delightful in almost everything you do. The expressions you make and the phrases you say are so awesome. We actually wish there was a way to constantly be recording you just to have those memories forever.

We love you so much. Happy birthday!


Stockhoff Family said...

Oh Little man, you are a true delight! I love how as you have gotten older you take me on tours of your home, showing me your "new room" and Bean's new room. You were so excited to show me Bean's new bed that you used to sleep in, then ran down to show me your new bunkbeds!! All of this was done while you had the phone in your hand and I was miles away, and I could see it all. Love you, Nana

Adrienne said...

aw, what his Grandma wrote made me tear up. how sweet is that. i feel the same way about recording everything that is said cuz my recently turned 3 year old son is the same way with the stuff he says. such a great age :-) how neat that both your youngest boys have Birthdays so close together and too bad they didn't end up on the same day like my 2 kids, 2 years apart, ha-ha. enjoy your 4 boys :-)

Melanie said...

And he's so stinking cute! :) Happy Birthday Big Boy!

Lambzann said...

Thanks Larissa! I am not sure how I found you. I thought it was through my blog makeover, but I guess I just happened upon your crafty, wholesome blog, that is ever so uplifting. Thanks for stopping by!

Amanda said...

Happy Birthday sweet boy. We miss you!


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