Welcome to another A Pinteresting Wednesday!
T minus three days.
Then we are going to be getting our party on, Avengers style.
My to-do list is about one third done, but a couple of late nights and we'll git er' done.
When I saw this etsy shop, I knew I wanted to add this idea to my Avengers Party Pinterest Board.

via HERE
I loved the idea making letters decoupaged with comic book pages.
However, it was quite a bit harder to find comic book pages than I had anticipated. Short of buying new comic books, I realized using actual comic book pages might not be possible.
With one last effort I decided to look at JoAnn Fabric.
BAM! Found what I wanted.

Fabric that looked like comic book pages. PLUS I am pretty sure I spent less money on the fabric than I would have on an actual comic.
Love it when I save money.
I loved how the letters turned out.
Using some handy dandy Mod Podge, I glued on scraps of the material on to paper mache letters.
I actually think that the fabric was easier to work with than paper.
After the party, Middle is excited to use these letters in his room.
I am freaking a little bit about how much more I still have to do to make this party happen, but what will be will be.
Now a little update on my sweet cross-eyed Little.
His glasses came, and it is official...
He is the cutest Smarty Pants ever.
These new glasses will be a pretty permanent fixture in his life. For who knows how long he will have to wear these all day long. For two hours of those days he will also have to wear a patch over his good eye under the glasses.
So far he has been a trooper. He wears his patch happily. See-
Wearing his itty bitty glasses I know will be hard for him, but I am sure soon enough they will be such a fixture that he probably won't even notice them.
Thanks for all of your kind words and well wishes for Little in his new adventure.
Oh my goodness. What a little heartbreaker! :-)
Your littlest smarty pants is ADORABLE!!! I better not show this to my middle and youngest, EVER time we have an eye doctor appointment both want glasses. They try on all the frames and beg. LOL funny kids. Love your Avenger letters! What a great idea!!!
My middle child is a HUGE Archie's comics fan. This project is DEFINITELY going to show up under or Christmas tree this year! :)
Outland Comics on 17th (It is the strip mall that has Dollar Tree in it) has comics, new and old, if you want to do more letters. The only other place to get comics in the area is Hastings. My husband collects comics and goes through them to thin out the herd, so I should snag some next time to do this. My son and daughter would both love it!
He is so darn cute!! When we were talking he was telling me all about he patches and glasses. He seemed pretty excited. I love that little guy. Modge podge has become such a friend of mine!! Once again my sweet daughter you are amazing.
My nephew is a hipster. I've never been more proud.
He looks super cute! My 7-year-old daughter wears glasses and has to patch for a few hours a day. She doesn't mind the glasses, but hates to patch. The place we get her glasses from told us about these patches that slip over their glasses (http://www.patchpals.com/). I keep meaning to try making my own, but so far I haven't. Good luck with it. My daughter's eyes have improved a lot since she's been patching.
that looks amazing!!
Your little boy is so cute!
I love his glasses! =)
Have fun with your Party!
What a handsome young man. He looks super cute in those glasses.
THANKS everyone for loving Little's sweet spectacled face!
I am planning my bf's 30th comic book theme bday. I saw people online selling these for way too much. This is a great idea! I saw some had the inner corners in black, it gives it a 3d affect. I think I will do that and use less fabric. Thanks for your neat idea!!
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