Is July really already over??? I just can't quite believe it.
who supported/participated/commented in this little event.
Thanks to these wonderful craftalicious women-
Abbie from Abbiesolutely
Linda from Craftaholics Anonymous
Mique from 30 days
Taylor from Mary Janes and Golashes
Maggie from Smashed Peas and Carrots
Christie from Lemon Squeezy Home
Stephanie from Somewhat Simple
Cheryl from A Pretty Cool Life
Keirste from Brown Paper Packages
Erin from Blues and Branches
Cheri from I Am Momma
Brittany from Love Stitched
Dianna from Whatever Dee Dee Wants
Sarah and Anna from Lily Lane Pendants
Erin from Lemon Tree Creations
Jessica from Running with Scissors
Leigh Anne from Your Homebased Mom
Alli from Ella Mae Designs (for the Christmas in July Button)
for everything you did.
I sure hope that you all enjoyed this. We could make this an annual thing, wouldn't that be fun.
The Christmas in July project library button will remain on the sidebar.
While the afore mentioned lovely ladies were helping with this little Christmas shindig, I was able to spend some summer lovin' time with these handsome little men.
We splashed.
We played.
We laughed.
We cooled off.
Today brings the end of Christmas in July, which is a little sad...
BUT don't worry I have some fun stuff in store for you.
More projects
Some house stuff
Recipes, Recipes, Recipes
Hey I Can Do That Saturdays are back
Party stuff
and BRAND NEW, Sundays will be "in a nutshell" regaling you
with what my sweet little family did during the week.
ALSO YOU MIGHT WANT TO HEAD HERE AND VOTE...hint, hint, wink, wink.

Thanks again to everyone. I hope you bookmarked some of these great projects ideas. I hope you found a new site. I hope to see you all on a regular basis, seeing that we are all new bloggy friends now.
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