Aug 29, 2012

A Pinteresting Wednesday: Gift for Teacher

School started this week. Yippee!

I haven't ever brought a present to the boys' teachers at the beginning of school before. I am not sure why, but probably it was mostly because I had never thought of it.

Sorry previous teachers!

Several weeks ago, I came across a cute idea on Skip to My Lou. I immediately pinned it to my Delightful Downloads pinboard.
pinned from HERE

I know I say this practically every week, but really what would we do without Pinterest? Well, besides fold the laundry...


I knew this idea was simple enough that I could accomplish it even in the hustle and bustle of getting ready to go back to school.

I didn't find hand sanitizer as cute as she had, but I did find little bottles of hand sanitizer lotion.

After downloading her tag, I printed them off on a color cardstock.

I also decided that if I really wanted her to give me a call I might want to make an info sheet to go with the tags.

I made this cute info sheet in PicMonkey, my new favorite photo editing site.

I made a blank one to share with you. Simply save it to your computer as a photo. Then you can open it up in PicMonkey and fill in the info you want.

I printed the info sheet on white cardstock.

I tied a scrap of fabric around the lotion bottle. Then I used a painted clothespin to attach the tag and the info sheet.

An easy and simple back-to-school gift for Teacher.

I am excited to be in my boys' classrooms this year. Hopefully I will be able to really get to know their teachers and I will be able to experience this school year with my boys.


Taylor {Sew Much Love} said...

So cute! I'll have to remember this when my kids get old enough for school!

I know pinterest can be such a blessing and a curse! On one hand I would be so much more productive but a lot of times it gives me the push to be more productive with all the pictures of chicks with 6 packs and "clean your home in 20 minutes" posts!

Corrie- said...

Love! I wish you were a parent in my classroom!


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